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FSIForeign Service Institute
FSIFinancial Services Industry
FSIFore Systems, Inc. (switching equipment)
FSIFlight Simulator
FSIFonds Stratégique d'Investissement (French: Strategic Investment Fund)
FSIFailed States Index
FSIFluid Structure Interaction
FSIFreeman Spogli Institute (Stanford University; Palo Alto, CA)
FSIFuel Stratified Injection
FSIFuture Store Initiative
FSIFinal Systems Installation
FSIFloor Space Index
FSIFree Standing Insert
FSIFederazione Scacchistica Italiana (Italian Chess Federation)
FSIForest Survey of India
FSIFront-Side Illuminated (sensors)
FSIFournisseur de Services Internet (France)
FSIFujisoft Incorporated (Japan)
FSIFiners Stephens Innocent (law firm; UK)
FSIFairchild Semiconductor International (various locations)
FSIFaculty Summer Institute (Illinois)
FSIFree Swelling Index (coal)
FSIFlight Safety International
FSIFonds Spécial d'Invalidité (French: Special Disability Fund)
FSIFederation of Saskatchewan Indians (Canada)
FSIFox Sports International (sports programming)
FSIFortress Systems International (Charlotte, NC)
FSIFinal-State Interaction
FSIForensic Science International
FSIFlorida Space Institute
FSIFund Screen Investigation (finance)
FSIFederal Systems Integrator
FSIFlawless Start-Up Initiative (oil production)
FSIFunk Software, Inc. (Cambridge, MA)
FSIFootball Supporters International (fan club)
FSIFederal Sources, Inc.
FSIFree Space Interiors (India)
FSIFreshman Summer Institute (various schools)
FSIForensic Science Institute (Los Angeles, CA)
FSIFootball Streaming Info
FSIFinancial Status Indicator (stock trading)
FSIFishery Survey of India
FSIFellow of the Securities Institute
FSIFRISK Software International
FSIFédération Suisse des Organisations d'Informatique
FSIFuji Seal International (Japan)
FSIFirst State Innovation (Delaware)
FSIFinancial Systems Integration
FSIFormal System Identifier
FSIFellow of the Securities & Investment Institute
FSIFusfeld Group Inc (Framingham, MA)
FSIFlanders Scientific. Incorporated
FSIFood, Seed and Industrial (agriculture)
FSIFaculty Staff Intranet (Gwynedd-Mercy College; Pennsylvania)
FSIFuture Store Initiative (Metro Group)
FSIFACTS Services, Inc. (Coral Gables, FL)
FSIFeng Shui Information
FSIFuneral Services, Inc (Tallahassee, FL)
FSIFailed Self Install
FSIFleet Synergy International
FSIFlag State Implementation Sub-Committee (IMO)
FSIFunctionally Significant Item
FSIFasting Glucose and Specific Insulin Levels
FSIFraud Scheme Investigator
FSIFacility Science Instrument
FSIFinancial Service Institution
FSIFeasibility Study Institute
FSIFamily Stations, Inc. (Oakland, CA)
FSIFORCEnet Services Infrastructure
FSIFederazióne Svizzera Delle Organizzatióni d'Informatica
FSIFederal Stock Item
FSIFire Safety International Ltd (UK)
FSIFuchs Swelling Index
FSIFinancial Statement Item
FSIForestry Science Institute of Vietnam
FSIFlight System Integration
FSIFederal Spousal Impoverishment
FSIFull Screen Interstitial (Interative Media advertising unit)
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