bolt head

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bolt head

The enlarged shape which is preformed on one end of a bolt to provide a bearing surface.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in classic literature ?
I may say that it was with no regret that we bid adieu to Tigerland, as we rechristened the ancient Devon, and, beating out into the Channel, turned the launch's nose southeast, to round Bolt Head and continue up the coast toward the Strait of Dover and the North Sea.
This gives the bolt head lots of engagement with the breech ring seated inside the receiver's tenon.
Instead, the bolt head is an entire ring of thin, spring-like fingers (a collet, if you will) that go all the way around the bolt about a half-inch behind the boltface.
Then you put a clip over the bolt head and feed in a case.
Bolt Head is a headland on the coast of which English county?
When it comes to auto repair/maintenance, the mantra can now be to measure the bolt head or nut first rather than guessing and running back and forth to the toolbox until you find the right wrench or socket.
The thrust of a standard 5.56mm round on the AR15 bolt head measures roughly 3,887 lbs.
See the dramatic coast around Salcombe, walking from East Soar to the secluded Soar Mill Cove, returning around the rocks at Bolt Head.
The bolt head catch is in the middle safety position.