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Used for listed equity securities. Block trading version of COLT.
Copyright © 2012, Campbell R. Harvey. All Rights Reserved.


A computerized order-entry system that sends buy or sell orders for block, over-the-counter trades. It is used to automatically execute orders, and allow users to monitor their positions. It operates much like the continuous on-line trading system, but only for block trades.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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Doreen said: "Since this bolt from the blue from Forbes, we have had visitors from the US, Australia and Europe.
A FORMER charity boss accused of stealing from its accounts said the allegation was a "bolt from the blue".
From a somewhat unpromising start, the early and unexpected flourish arrives like a bolt from the blue - and then she gives it her all.
It has hit me like a bolt from the blue because he's the best I've trained.
Coleman admits his departure came as a bolt from the blue, but he does not harbour a grudge and is looking for the Cottagers to stay up.
"It was like a bolt from the blue," said Bulgaria striker Dimitar Berbatov.
If Mr Hewings is hit by a bolt from the blue - and lives - he will pick up pounds 10,000.
But now Town's dreams of pipping Brakes to a place in the Midland Alliance lie in tatters and secretary David Badger said: "It has come as a bolt from the blue and everyone at the club is absolutely devastated.
County were stunned by a bolt from the blue after 29 minutes when Wimbledon skipper Neil Ardley let fly from fully 40 yards and Darren Ward failed to prevent it from entering the top corner of the net.
HULL were hit by a bolt from the blue from teenage striker Chris Roberts after they had dominated the first half of this match.
It also showcases his potential to surprise - All the Young People Must Fall in Love comes like a bolt from the blue, a rousing and uplifting Lou Reed-esque cut complete with bar-room piano.