bolt down

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Synonyms for bolt down

drink down entirely

eat a large amount of food quickly

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References in periodicals archive ?
Make sure the main lock is in position, then place the shoot bolt down, mark around it, and then drill a 12mm hole wide enough for the bolt to enter.
Amy hurled the bloody crossbow bolt down at the little 2-inch-tall redcoats, and Sam Kelly shouted to his sister Shawney, who had obviously been drugged or brainwashed by the little folk into becoming some sort of warrior.
The Model 771 is said to boast a small footprint, compact size and is easily moveable with bolt down foot pads for secure placement, according to the company.
Recording a verdict of accidental death, coroner Dewi Pritchard Jones said nothing unusual happened to cause the horse to back out of the horse box and bolt down a lane, followed by another horse.
"Organisations in meltdown typically bolt down the hatches to the outside world by publishing less and less information of what they are doing," he told the Prime Minister in a letter.
There is no need to bolt down Maytag Commercial Soft-Mount High-Speed Extractors.
A fact never better illustrated by folk having to bolt down breakfast to get to Ibrox in time to see a flag, which was clinched on a Sunday afternoon, unfurled well before the one o'clock gun has been fired.
Options include operating temperatures to 200[degrees]C and custom bolt down packaging.
Our IMSs want much larger portions of the "appetizer", but we often encourage them to bolt down the "appetizer" and savor the main course.
Since the machines require no bolt down, same day operation is possible in most case.