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References in periodicals archive ?
Here's some song titles for you: we got "Final Exhalation," taken from another Monstrosity title "Final Cremation." Here's one I like, "The 420th Crusade," which is from a Bolt Thrower album.
Soon after discovering Napalm Death's "Scum", they also discovered death metal bands such as Benediction, Bolt Thrower, Entombed or Morbid Angel and started to move in that direction.
-Coventry Polytechnic Thursday 5 1996 - Skunk Anansie (pictured) - Warwick University LOCAL BANDS Wednesday 19 1990 -The Popple Heads - Browns Cafe Bar Saturday 3 1994 - Bolt Thrower - The General Wolfe 2000s Saturday 15 2001 - 80s Matchbox Beeline Disaster - The Colosseum Wednesday 5 2007 - Boy Kill Boy - Warwick University Saturday 11 2010 - Deadmau5 -Ricoh Arena LOCAL BANDS Friday 19 2008 - Wes Finch - The Tuns Wednesday 23 2009 - Stylusboy - The Tin Angel
While the band's last hometown show was a fairly low-key affair at the Asylum with Coventry's Bolt Thrower, on the European circuit they can often perform in front of thousands.
Silly haircuts propped up with sugar and water, dark clothes left over from kitting out some special forces outfit and bands with names like the Electro Hippies and Bolt Thrower made me, and all the other alternative kids, just that little bit mad.
His Hero is Gone, Phobia, Dystopia, CCR, Bolt Thrower, Carcass--this list could go on for eternity.--Schmitty