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Related to bolt upright: at least, fall through, touch base


Used for listed equity securities. Block trading version of COLT.
Copyright © 2012, Campbell R. Harvey. All Rights Reserved.


A computerized order-entry system that sends buy or sell orders for block, over-the-counter trades. It is used to automatically execute orders, and allow users to monitor their positions. It operates much like the continuous on-line trading system, but only for block trades.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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after your posture, bolt upright in your chair-- you said, 'You
Quite what disturbed his slumbers remains a mystery, but he suddenly sat bolt upright and looked sheepish as he tried to regain his composure beside co-presenter Martine Croxall.
Best of all though, after taking umbrage at the writers' decision to kill off his character, Madsen fluffed his death scenes by rolling theatrically around on the floor while covered in fake blood and singing at the top of his voice, before sitting bolt upright and snarling at the director, "Am I dead enough for you now, man?" So what a surprise it's been this last few weeks to discover that not only is the man who plays fellas who cut policemen's ears off actually a rather decent chap, but he's also far from the maddest person in the Celebrity Big Brother house.
"I sat bolt upright then looked out of the window but I couldn't see anything.
"The party congress is likely to be a gruelling chore for Kim, who as party secretary will be expected to sit bolt upright in front of thousands of deputies and TV cameras at least for five hours a day and probably stand up while delivering one of the interminable speeches beloved of dictators everywhere," South Korea's Chosun Ilbo newspaper reported.
"Then a bloke at the neighbouring table stood bolt upright, let out a blood curdling scream and dropped like a stone on the carpet."
A few days later, the King of Naples was aboard the Foudroyant and was shocked by the vision of a seemingly resurrected Caracciolo, bolt upright in the sea, and making his way towards the ship.
At times the language sparkles with imagery as when Melchior receives the call: It first filled his ears as a roar like that of a lion and it made him sit bolt upright in the bed as a chill waved across his flesh.
I sat bolt upright and said, 'It is In The Bag, which is what I was going to call the company.
When you live from day to day with the thought that your neighbour is not 100 per cent normal, it's easy to awake in the dead of night, sit bolt upright in bed and find yourself covered in a film of cold sweat.
Standing bolt upright and staring straight ahead in their Hamas uniforms, the bearded men - in their 20s and 30s - are not quite Gaza's answer to international boy bands like Backstreet Boys or 'N Sync.