
(redirected from Bolt Usain St. Leo)
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1. To consume one's food or drink very quickly. The kids ran to the table, bolted their lunch, and ran right back outside to play. You're going to make yourself sick bolting your drinks like that. He bolted his dinner because he was already late for the airport.
2. To flee or depart very suddenly and quickly. The dogs bolted as soon as I opened the door to the kennel. I told the suspect to get down on his knees and put his hands in the air, but he bolted into a nearby alleyway. How are we going to catch this feral cat? She bolts every time I get within 10 feet of her.
3. To leave or depart. A: "Won't you stay a little longer?" B: "Nah, I had better bolt. I've got an early morning tomorrow." Come on, let's bolt. This party is dead. Did Henry bolt already? All right, I'll give this to him tomorrow then.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.


in. to leave; to go away. (Not necessarily fast.) Time to go, man. Let’s bolt.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.