(redirected from Federation of the Retail Licensed Trade)
FRLTFeather River Land Trust (California)
FRLTFederation of the Retail Licensed Trade (Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK)
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It's the last straw CHIEF executive of the Northern Ireland Federation of the Retail Licensed Trade Steven Kelly said pubs are being priced out by supermarkets.
Details are now being thrashed out between Health Department officials and the Federation of the Retail Licensed Trade.
The Federation of the Retail Licensed Trade last night admitted business was booming in Belfast.
But the Federation of the Retail Licensed Trade in Northern Ireland warned the issuing of licences would become a party political issue.
Nicola Carruthers of the Federation of the Retail Licensed Trade criticised Mr Woodward for failing to offer even ventilated sections in bars for smokers.
The Federation of the Retail Licensed Trade NI represents around 1,100 licensed premises in this country and we have worked hard to improve facilities for non-smokers and to improve conditions for staff in recent years through a number of self-regulatory initiatives.
The Federation of the Retail Licensed Trade (FRLT) are behind the major drive.
The review, which was to start later this year, was welcomed by the Federation of the Retail Licensed Trade and late night drinkers across the country.
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