(redirected from Federation of Veterinarians of Europe)
FVEFair Value Estimate (finance)
FVEFédération Vaudoise des Entrepreneurs (Swiss contracting federation)
FVEFive Star Quality Care, Inc. (Newtown, MA)
FVEFrontier Valley Elementary (Parker, CO)
FVEFlash Video Encoder
FVEFlash Video Exporter
FVEFull Volume Encryption
FVEFederation of Veterinarians of Europe
FVEFarmington Valley Equipment, Inc. (Farmington, CT)
FVEFluid Volume Excess
FVEFlash Video Encoder (software)
FVEFunctional Vocational Evaluation
FVEFrequent Value Encoding
FVEFlorida Visual Ensemble
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European producers in the COPA-COGECA federation are working with the National Pork Board in the USA, pig producers in Canada and the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE), through the project.
Scientic evidence shows that slaughter without pre-stunning compromises animal welfare; a position supported by the Humane Slaughter Association, the Farm Animal Welfare Council, the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe and the European Food Safety Authority.
LEAFLETS offering advice on the responsible use of antimicrobials has just been published by the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe.
This year's edition of the EU Veterinary Week (28 September-4 October), organised by the European Commission in partnership with the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe, will pass the key message that animal diseases are having an increasing impact on public health and that high standards of animal health have a positive impact on human health and well-being.
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