(redirected from Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry)
FESIFree Ecma Script Interpreter
FESIFonds d'Entraide et de Solidarité Internationale (French: Assistance Fund and International Solidarity)
FESIFederation of the European Sporting Goods Industry
FESIFédération Européenne des Syndicats d'Entreprises d'Isolation (French: European Federation of Trade Unions Business Insulation)
FESIFederacion Espanola de Sociedades de Informatica (Spain)
FESIField-Enhanced Sample Injection
FESIForum for Engineering Structural Integrity (UK)
FESIFamily Economic Security Initiative (Californians for Economic Security)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Organiser: The Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry (FESI), Venue: Munich, Date: July 23, Information: Av; de Janvier 3, B-1200 Brussels, Tel: (+32) 2/ 762 8648, Fax: (+32) 2/ 771 8746, E-mail: info@fesi-sport.org, Web site: www.fesi-sport.org* The EU Common Fisheries Policy After 2002: The Scope for Change The conference will provide a forum for frank, off-the-record discussion of key issues arising from the European Commission's Green Paper on the Future of the Common Fisheries Policy for policymakers and opinion formers in the public and private sectors, representatives from fishermen's organisations, commercial fishing interests, NGOs and stakeholders in the EU member states and other countries.
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