(redirected from Fédération Internationale de Boxe Amateur)
FIBAFédération Internationale de Basketball (International Basketball Federation)
FIBAFondation Internationale du Banc d'Arguin (French West African international foundation)
FIBAFlorida International Bankers Association
FIBAFestival International de la Bière Artisanale (French: International Festival of Craft Beer)
FIBAFédération des Industries du Bois d'Aquitaine (French industry federation)
FIBAFederation of International Basketball Associations
FIBAFlorida International Baseball Academy (Sarasota, FL)
FIBAFederación Internacional de Basquet Asociado (Spanish: International Basketball Federation Associate)
FIBAFédération Internationale de Boxe Amateur
FIBAFinancial Institution Benefit Association, Inc.
FIBAFellowship of Israel and Black America
FIBAFellow of the International Biographical Association (Cambridge, UK)
FIBAFellow of the Institute of Business Advisers
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