(redirected from Fédération Internationale de Chiropratique du Sport)
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FICSFree Internet Chess Server
FICSFédération Internationale de Chiropratique du Sport (French: International Federation of Chiropractic Sports; Switzerland)
FICSFinancial Industry Complaints Service (now Financial Ombudsman Service; Australia)
FICSFinancial Industry Computer Systems, Inc.
FICSFederazione Italiana Cart's (Italian kart racing association)
FICSFellow of the International College of Surgeons
FICSFactory Information and Control Systems
FICSFellow of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
FICSFoundations of Informatics, Computing and Software (Conference)
FICSFingerprint Image Capture System (US FBI)
FICSFamily Involvement-Communication System (education)
FICSFAA Integrated Communications System
FICSFourier Imaging Correlation Spectroscopy (biology)
FICSFMS Integrated Control System
FICSFinal Incurred Cost Submission
FICSFoundation for International and Cross-Strait Studies
FICSForecasting & Inventory Control System
FICSFault Isolation & Control Subsystem
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