(redirected from Fédération Interdépartementale des Chasseurs)
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FICFirst International Computer
FICFood Ingredients Co. (Shanghai, China)
FICFogarty International Center (John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences; National Institutes of Health)
FICFox International Channels
FICFestival Internacional Cervantino (Spanish: International Cervantes Festival; Mexico)
FICFellowship for Intentional Community
FICFirst in Command (gaming)
FICFood Innovation Center (various schools)
FICForward in Christ (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod)
FICFeline Idiopathic Cystitis (bladder inflammation)
FICFootball in the Community (UK)
FICFamily in Crisis (various locations)
FICFarmland Information Center
FICFinance and Investment Committee (various organizations)
FICFeinstein International Center (Tufts University; Massachusetts)
FICFaith in Communities
FICFlex Interconnect Cable
FICFixed Interface Card
FICFacility Improvement Committee
FICFirst in Chain
FICFinance and Investment Company (Kuwait)
FICFamily of International Classifications (World Health Organization)
FICFractal Image Coding
FICFlow-Induced Crystallization
FICFederazione Italiana Canottaggio (Italian Rowing Federation)
FICFonds d'Intervention Culturelle (French: Cultural Intervention Fund)
FICFederal Information Center
FICFast Information Channel
FICFlight Instructor Course
FICFlight Information Centre (aircraft)
FICFinancial Insurance Company (various locations)
FICFuel Injector Cleaner (various companies)
FICFlight Information Center
FICFonds d'Initiatives Citoyennes (French: Citizen Initiatives Fund)
FICForeign Invested Company
FICFree Incoming Call
FICFalkland Islands Company
FICFeather in Cap
FICFraser International College (Vancouver, Canada)
FICFire Industry Confederation (UK)
FICFinancial Investments Corporation (various locations)
FICFraternal Insurance Counselor
FICFur Institute of Canada
FICForum International Cybersécurité (French: Forum International Cyber Security Forum)
FICFood Institute of Canada
FICFull Image Copy
FICFédération Interdépartementale des Chasseurs (French: Interdepartmental Federation of Hunters)
FICFirearms Instructor Course (various organizations)
FICFédération des Instituteurs Chrétiens
FICBrothers of Christian Instruction (religious order)
FICFitness Industry Council of Canada
FICFacility Interface Code
FICFamily Involvement Center
FICForeclosure Intervention Consultants
FICFuel Injector Clinic (automotive)
FICFair Isaac Company
FICFullerene International Corporation (Tucson, AZ)
FICFleet Intelligence Center
FICFrame Identification Code
FICFuturing and Innovation Center (various organizations)
FICFiber Interface Card
FICFacility Incident Commander
FICForest Industries Council
FICFear Industrial Complex (coined by John Stossel)
FICForce Indicator Code
FICFlorida Insurance Council, Inc.
FICFirey Ideal Cut
FICFilm Image Catalog
FICFirst Instance Court
FICFlorida Immigrant Coalition
FICFlow Indicator Control
FICFederal Information Commission
FICFacsimile Intelligent Communication System
FICFreyssinet International & Cie (France)
FICFellow of Imperial College, London
FICFarmington Indian Center (New Mexico, USA)
FICForced Inspiratory Capacity
FICFull Installation Certification
FICFile Integrity Checking (computing)
FICFinancial Inventory Control
FICFramework for Internal Controls (Coso Framework)
FICFamily Insurance Checkup (insurance)
FICFederal Identification Code
FICFarthest Interfering Cell (wireless)
FICFayetteville Internet Communications, Inc.
FICFleet Issue Control Center
FICFederal Integration Center (HP)
FICFormat Identifier Code
FICFault Isolation Control
FICFlame Ignition Chamber
FICFinal Inspection Chamber (drainage)
FICFellow of Institution of Chemists (India)
FICForce & Infrastructure Category (hierarchical coding scheme)
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