(redirected from Fédération Indépendante des Syndicats Autonomes)
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FISAForeign Intelligence Surveillance Act (US government)
FISAFinance and Investment Students' Association (University of Nairobi; Nairobi, Kenya)
FISAFederation Internationale Du Sport Automobile
FISAFédération Interprofessionnelle du Secteur Avicole (French: Interprofessional Poultry Sector Federation; Morocco)
FISAFederation Internationale des Societes d'Aviron (International Rowing Association)
FISAFinance Industry Standards Association (UK)
FISAFédération Indépendante des Syndicats Autonomes (French: Independent Federation of Autonomous Trade Unions; Canada)
FISAFederazione Italiana delle Società di Agopuntura (Italian Federation of Acupuncture Societies)
FISAFood Industry Suppliers Association
FISAFederation of Independent School Alumnae
FISAFootwear Institute of South Africa
FISAForget I Said Anything
FISAFerris Indian Student Association
FISAFianakaviana Sambratra
FISAFixed Income Strategy and Analysis
FISAFédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Aerophilatelic (French: International Federation of Aerophilatelic Societies)
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