I am a dreamer, sometimes a coder/artist/designer/modeler/animator/gamer/listener/helper/student/thinker, and much more. I like to think of things that nothing is impossible, and I learned throughout time that there'll always be another day that'll be a better day. A nice quote I like to live to is: Death smiles at us all, all we can do is smile back. The only thing that I believe in is a persons will, If one really wants to do something he/she will be capable to do such a thing, that's how I learned most of the stuff that I know.

Comment History  (60 - 90 of 282)
The-Light - - 282 comments @ Work in progress : Orca version "Assault"

You just gave me an interesting idea for the squad system:

a squad is 1 unit code wise that adds invisible drones when adding members. visually the entire squad will look like a group of units standing together.

How does it work:

the squad unit is one object, so it functions just like any other unit in therms of garissoning, for the drones it doesn't matter for they will just follow the transport.
adding members: each member added is purchased by permanent upgrade that increases unit health, when health is lost a member dies, simply removing it from visual display (ok one can only remove 2 members due to hp states: damaged, realy damaged)
the best system for this would be having a basic squad and then allow the addition of a special weapons guy or a squad leader or so.

Note: the idea would probably work, i don't see why it wouldn't, but:
-weapon efficiency doesn't change depending on damage(number of members)
-it will be a lot of animating and animation code, though not much more than generic infantry

Good karma+1 vote
The-Light - - 282 comments @ The Elite Cadre

Is it just me, or does the closest chinook to the left use it's stealth to hide the chinook behind it partially?

Good karma+2 votes
The-Light - - 282 comments @ Voted in the Top 100 mods?

Lol, voting about whether one voted, i wonder how accurate these results are :P

Good karma+3 votes
The-Light - - 282 comments @ Creation Kit Coming in January 2012

gmax is like 3dsmax, but a lot more compact and it can't do as much, however if you're just starting modelling i think it's a fine start.

There's a script for Nif files( Moddb.com ) to gmax. problem is gmax is not really supported anymore, but you can still free register it(at turbosquid.com) and get the program here: Moddb.com from there you'll only need the basic gmax (renx is w3d tools for generals modelling)

Note, i'm not advertising anything, i'm just posting it as an option, there are other programs of course, but I don't know about them.

Good karma+1 vote
The-Light - - 282 comments @ I am Clamped

Yeah, simpler units is fastest.
Though i personally favor the more complex stuff, they're more of a challenge.

One quick fix on the Kodiak with it's turrets shooting down in the model could be giving it a minimum pitch or minimum range for it's weapons, that way the guns can't pitch into the vehicle.

Good karma+1 vote
The-Light - - 282 comments @ I am Clamped

What i meant was that you could tell me for instance what the kodiak needs to do, then i'll code it, or tell you if something is not possible.

Good karma+1 vote
The-Light - - 282 comments @ I am Clamped

Hmm, i know some tips:
-run worldbuilder, it will tell you where an error occures.
-run the game, in your "my documents/Generals Zero Hour data" folder there is a crash file that names the file where the error occures, note if wb still functions it tells your problem a lot more precise.
-ini is trial and error, and especially walkers are anoying to code.

I don't have much time out side of study (you probably noticed that) but could you give me like 4 points of todo list for code, i think i can get it done in about 1 or 2 evenings with added commetary of how it works.

Good karma+1 vote
The-Light - - 282 comments @ Necron update

If the Necrons auto repair themselves, then sparcling would fit. But battlemarks fit too.

However it all depends on how far they repair themselves, to woring conddition or to brand new.

I'd say ask some necron fans about this.

Good karma+1 vote
The-Light - - 282 comments @ (old screenshot)

New Tanya cameo?

Good karma+2 votes
The-Light - - 282 comments @ What do you game on mostly?

Old pc and old laptop, though mostly pc.

Pretty much waiting for computers to get on a stable slow renewing system again, like with the dual core.

Good karma+2 votes
The-Light - - 282 comments @ Nuclear Dawn

Does it still have vehicular combat in it?

Not that infantry is bad, it's fine to have only infantry, especially when the vehicles would be very powerful.

Good karma+5 votes
The-Light - - 282 comments @ Finished commando

For the anim, if you can use Burton's skeleton to export then do so, even if the infantry is to big then. The only thing you'll need to add is a line in the unit's code: " Scale = 0.8 " , the value is 3d, so putting 2.0 there means the unit gets feet as big as paladin or overlord tanks, 0.65 on EA's models pretty much puts them to their 1 unit is 1 feet schale, however infantry are half as heigh then.

Good karma+1 vote
The-Light - - 282 comments @ Howler Hawk or Howler Eagle

Thing you could do:
-Upgradeable with a portable structure that gets the shield as a point-defence laser looking like a shield, the shield weapon is a reversed gattling weapon, that way shield strength/effectivenes decreases the longer there's fired upon it. This will result in simulated shield recharge, the catch to this however is that any ammo that's stopped by the shield must be damageable by it, oh and it wouldn't work against lasers...

-Place the mg in the turret's nose, that's more earodynamic, or place it like on the Falcon(W40K Eldar grav tank)

-also it bugs me a but that it's so rounded, looking at the other sharp-edged vehicles it's a bit strange for a gdi design... not that i have a better design in mind.

Good karma+1 vote
The-Light - - 282 comments @ Renegade X is looking for talent!

What's the idea of the character artist? concept art or the actual modelling/texturing?

Good karma+2 votes
The-Light - - 282 comments @ The Sonic shower

ah, so it is the same, just explained better, thnx.

Good karma+2 votes
The-Light - - 282 comments @ GDI Disrupter

What i get from other cnc mods the Disroptor shoots through right?

I don't see that happening with generic laser code(i guess it's laser looking at the screenshot), AdornasPlanet points at a cnc3 mod where the weapon looks to be made like projectiles-in-a-row-doing-damage-and going through projectile (basically a not arching wall of flame from the china dragon tank).

Good karma+1 vote
The-Light - - 282 comments @ Tiberian History: Release 3 *(Obsolete)*

maybe, if i get steam correctly:

Step 1 - set " -ui " as launch options for cnc3 in steam, this should give you the cnc3 game manager when starting, however i don't know how steam reacts to it launching mods/the game.

Step 2 - install mod normally.

Should work now, but do note that this is theorethical, for i don't have the steam version of cnc3.

Good karma+2 votes
The-Light - - 282 comments @ The Sonic shower

Is your system based on a line of damage doing objects which do not collide?

That's how i did the waveforce weapon for Invasion Confirmed(ZH mod), it had the same side effect, that's why i'm asking.

Good karma+2 votes
The-Light - - 282 comments @ Tiberian Sun Redux Gameplay Trailer

I think that is Generals failing, not the titan's fault. See units in Generals that move over other units tend to act really strange, like in this case letting the titan lean backwards.

The problem i think mostly occurs because units have only the origin for positioning, though i haven't tested this out.

Good karma+3 votes
The-Light - - 282 comments @ Allied Airborne Reinforcements

Is the Steward tank based on the Sheridan? looks nice anyway.

Good karma+3 votes
The-Light - - 282 comments @ Help Wanted

Try using a program called "dragon Unpacker", then see what you can open with notepad, that's how i found how the AI functions. There'll probably be more to be found around there.

NOTE: I'm not going to help you with the rest for i don't know much more than this about quake, nor do i have time next to studying and modding Generals ZH.

Good karma+1 vote
The-Light - - 282 comments @ Game-play and balance

Time is just relative, the thing is that once the mod has a good start it'll get known and perhaps get some extra members. For IC it was after the first beta that the membernumber rose above 1, to 3, before it was halted we had a team of more than 5. So give it a bit of time.

Good karma+1 vote
The-Light - - 282 comments @ Have you turned your mod into a stand-alone game?

Nope, but plan is to make my own engine to build the standalone version of it.

Good karma+2 votes
The-Light - - 282 comments @ Map pearl Harbor

Generals itself is scaled miserably, look at the infantry. Believe me, you don't want to have 200m ships real scaled, that would be more than 5 times longer, a.k.a. idiotically huge.

Good karma+2 votes
The-Light - - 282 comments @ The Avalanche... GDI's vehicles

On german panzer 4 chassis: stug 3, stug 4, jagdpanzer and very distant even werbelwinds. Than we have USA's Hmmvw's, lav 25's and m113's counting over 10 variants each.

Good karma+1 vote
The-Light - - 282 comments @ The Avalanche... GDI's vehicles

He means that he likes your design better than EA's cnc3 one, for it is more like an overhauled westwood mammoth tank rather than a complete new design.

And i must agree it's awesome.

Good karma+1 vote
The-Light - - 282 comments @ Camouflage

For when you'd need a different camo: paint.net has a function called clouds(in effects->render) which when used in certain modes can produce rather interesting camo concepts, they are however mostly two-color. and afterwards you can use the color adjust to get it to the right colors

Good karma+1 vote
The-Light - - 282 comments @ Do you reinvent the wheel?

When reinventing the wheel it's not just putting in more work, you're also learning more about it and you'll understand better of how it works so you can apply it wider. Besides if it can't be figured out you can always look at what others did. In the end doing it yourself brings satisfaction for achieving it.

Good karma+2 votes
The-Light - - 282 comments @ Models and conversions

Like the Bergetiger, but than Bergeblade.

Good karma+1 vote
The-Light - - 282 comments @ bad news !!!

try running linux(ubuntu for instance) from a cd to get to your files, it'll probably ignore the windows BSOD.

good luck Taxikiller.

Good karma+5 votes