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Strike for climate action
People around the world are demanding climate action. Photograph: Salvatore Di Nolfi/EPA
People around the world are demanding climate action. Photograph: Salvatore Di Nolfi/EPA

Alone together, or how to find strength in numbers

This article is more than 5 years old

This week in the Upside, students helping each other, and trying to change the world

It’s a very singular irony that in a world populated like never before, loneliness has become the disease du jour.

But you are not alone, if you don’t want to be. No matter who you are and where you are, there is a like-minded soul out there, a sympathetic voice, a support group, a project, a fellowship.

That’s what young people in England found when it turned out medical interventions for mental illness in their region were inadequate. They formed a support group and helped each other.

It’s also what struggling students from deprived communities have learned, thanks to an initiative that pairs them with successful professionals for a extra tuition.

Elaine McLoughlin of Bank of America provides support and voluntary tuition to Linah, 15, a student at Lister school in east London. Photograph: Teri Pengilley/The Guardian

In a sense, the “you are not alone” message was also delivered live on television to the LGBTQ community by an international sports star, a bold act of principle that did more for his sport than any athletic prowess could.

"Don't use it as an insult. There's nothing wrong with being gay."

Joe Root responds to sledging from Windies bowler Shannon Gabriel.

Full story:

— Sky Sports Cricket (@SkyCricket) February 12, 2019

Loneliness has become such a big deal in the UK that Britain has rolled out a strategy to tackle it and appointed a dedicated minister. US researchers are even working on a pill for loneliness – though the Upside agrees with this article, which argues that solutions should probably be more sociological than pharmacological.

And finally, after all that, if it’s really solitude you crave, it’s yours – for £1.1m.

No man is an island, but most islands are. Photograph: Spencer Auctioneers

What we liked

The fieriness of young people around the world, from Amsterdam’s new nine-year-old “cycle mayor” to the teenagers striking for climate action and the Silicon Valley students becoming increasingly sceptical of the ethics of big tech.

Are we witnessing the start of a new youth rebellion movement? Photograph: School Strike 4 Climate

Also, this BBC story about how Sweden benefits from rules that allow people to take a six-month leave of absence to do something entrepreneurial, academic or care-related.

What we heard

Digital technology could be a good reminder for the political class that they are at the service of the people and not the other way round. In a week, one would get a very good idea of whether the country wants to go to war with Iraq for example, and more questions would be asked before taking decisions that have heavy consequences.

JezJez commenting on our article about digital democracy

Where was the Upside?

In Copenhagen, where in addition to getting a new waste-to-energy incinerator, the city got a ski slope as well.

Upside downhill. Photograph: Mads Claus Rasmussen/AFP/Getty Images

Also in Bavaria, where a huge petition movement has forced the local authorities to impose changes on farming practices to protect bees.

If you have a thought, comment, criticism or suggestion for story ideas or subjects, please email us at Which global crisis might best benefit from some Upside treatment?

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