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Love & sex

  • Two lower arms touching each other

    This is how we do it: ‘I bought a book on tantra – erections are not necessary’

  • A brown and white spotty dog with its head on one side, against a purple background

    ‘He chose the dog over me’: the pets that ruined relationships – from pups interrupting sex to aggressive pigs

    For some owners, animals are part of the family. But for their friends and lovers, they can present a serious problem …
  • Illustration of a woman and man stood on a laptop with the man looking at the screen and the woman with her head in her hands

    We had an ordinary marriage. Then I found out my husband had been viewing images of child abuse

    For Emily and her husband, Matthew, everything changed when the police knocked on the door at 6.20am one morning. Could their family survive?
  • Brigit & Solomon

    Blind date: ‘I felt flustered at times – in a good way’

  • 16th century painting of a woman being embraced by a man, while another man lurks in the background.

    My long-term partner says he wants an open relationship. I understand why, but it feels one-sided. What should we do?

  • Meenakshi and Sankar in Chennai in 2012.

    How we met: ‘I thought straight away he was someone I wanted to marry’

  • Sexual healing illustration composite showing an image of a young man (a model) sitting up in bed

    I have anxiety and body image issues. How can I stop being so frightened of sex?

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  • Nina and Grace

    Blind date: ‘The middle of Oxford Circus might not have been the best place to kiss’

  • BlindDate 1307 Suzie & Toby

    Blind date: ‘He tried to bond with the waiter – who was unimpressed’

  • Nima and Maxim.

    Blind date: ‘We both grimaced as we gulped down oysters and pretended to enjoy them’

  • Ollie and Simone.

    Blind Date: ‘Is 12 a score?’

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  • Meenakshi and Sankar in Chennai in 2012.

    How we met
    How we met: ‘I thought straight away he was someone I wanted to marry’

  • Couple walking holding hands at sunset

    Ask Philippa
    I’m in my 50s, deeply in love for the first time – and terrified

  • Sexual healing illustration composite showing an image of a young man (a model) sitting up in bed

    Sexual healing
    I have anxiety and body image issues. How can I stop being so frightened of sex?

  • cartoon of people arguing

    Ask Annalisa Barbieri
    My crippling fear of conflict is causing me to withdraw from life

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