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  • Flashback: Linford Christie and Brianna in 2024.

    Linford Christie and his daughter Briannah look back: ‘It’s a curse having a dad as good as I was’

    The former sprinter and athletics coach and his daughter on their close relationship and fiery debates
  • Illustration of a woman and man stood on a laptop with the man looking at the screen and the woman with her head in her hands

    We had an ordinary marriage. Then I found out my husband had been viewing images of child abuse

  • Illustration of different sizes and shapes of animal poo, on a white background

    Why do animals have different-shaped poos? Try our kids’ quiz

  • tim dowling with a dog and a cat

    Tim Dowling: the airline lost our luggage, but never mind – we are getting a puppy

  • The Robertson family and Robin, who they picked up in Panama.

    ‘We pledged not to eat each other’: the family that was shipwrecked for 38 days

  • A baby girl laughing with joy.

    My two-year-old daughter has a great sense of humour

    Séamas O’Reilly
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  • Ammar Kalia

    After our mum died, we maxed out the credit cards and went on safari in the Serengeti

    Ammar Kalia
  • Mother and son playing with lego on carpet in living room

    From inheritance age to a calamity clause: what should I consider when making a will as a parent?

    Lucille Wong
    Thinking about your mortality feels dark, but it may make you feel a little lighter knowing you’ve made things easier for your children
  • Nell Frizzell

    Why I’m swapping ‘adult food’ for bland, hedonistic snacks

    Nell Frizzell
  • Couple holding hands looking at sunset

    After several miscarriages – each with its own trauma – my husband and I were forced to cobble together a new life

    Tess Pryor
  • Eva Wiseman

    Are you giving your kids a 90s summer?

    Eva Wiseman
  • Adrian Chiles

    Graduation is such a significant moment – and yet we never realise it at the time

    Adrian Chiles
  • Ranjana Srivastava

    When a loved one was dying in India, the advice I gave to my family was not what they expected

    Ranjana Srivastava
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  • cartoon of people arguing

    Ask Annalisa Barbieri
    My crippling fear of conflict is causing me to withdraw from life

  • Sexual healing illustration composite showing an image of a young man (a model) sitting up in bed

    Sexual healing
    I have anxiety and body image issues. How can I stop being so frightened of sex?

  • Couple walking holding hands at sunset

    Ask Philippa
    I’m in my 50s, deeply in love for the first time – and terrified

  • An Hyundai Tucson was on a four year lease when it was unable to be driven for medical reasons.

    Consumer champions
    Hyundai wants £6,300 from driver forced to end lease

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Love & sex

  • Two lower arms touching each other

    This is how we do it: ‘I bought a book on tantra – erections are not necessary’

  • A brown and white spotty dog with its head on one side, against a purple background

    ‘He chose the dog over me’: the pets that ruined relationships – from pups interrupting sex to aggressive pigs

    For some owners, animals are part of the family. But for their friends and lovers, they can present a serious problem …
  • Brigit & Solomon

    Blind date: ‘I felt flustered at times – in a good way’

    Birgit, 42, an academic, meets Solomon, 44, a healthcare professional
  • 16th century painting of a woman being embraced by a man, while another man lurks in the background.

    My long-term partner says he wants an open relationship. I understand why, but it feels one-sided. What should we do?

  • Meenakshi and Sankar in Chennai in 2012.

    How we met: ‘I thought straight away he was someone I wanted to marry’

  • Men in an AA support group meeting for alcohol abuse, talking while sitting in a circle during a therapy session

    Loneliness is killing men – and without proper support and intervention nothing will change

    Xavier Mulenga
  • Composite of a man and woman in a selfie polaroid photo, sticky-taped on a background featuring the Melbourne botanic gardens.

    The moment I knew: he gave the homeless man his number in case he needed someone to talk to

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