see double

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Related to see double: double vision
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.see double - see things as if they were there twice; "After taking the drug, John saw double"
misperceive - perceive incorrectly
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(ˈdabl) adjective
1. of twice the (usual) weight, size etc. A double whisky, please.
2. two of a sort together or occurring in pairs. double doors.
3. consisting of two parts or layers. a double thickness of paper; a double meaning.
4. for two people. a double bed.
1. twice. I gave her double the usual quantity.
2. in two. The coat had been folded double.
1. a double quantity. Whatever the women earn, the men earn double.
2. someone who is exactly like another. He is my father's double.
1. to (cause to) become twice as large or numerous. He doubled his income in three years; Road accidents have doubled since 1960.
2. to have two jobs or uses. This sofa doubles as a bed.
ˈdoubles noun singular
or noun plural in tennis etc, a kind of match with two players on each side. I enjoy playing doubles; (also adjective) a doubles match.
double agent
a spy paid by each of two countries hostile to each other.
double bass (beis)
a type of large stringed instrument, the largest and deepest in sound of the violin family.
ˌdouble-ˈbedded adjective
containing a double bed. a double-bedded room.
double-ˈcheck verb
to check something again. double-check the results of the experiment.
ˌdouble-ˈcross verb
to betray (someone for whom one has already arranged to do something deceitful).
ˌdouble-ˈdealing noun
cheating and deceitfulness.
cheating. You double-dealing liar!
ˌdouble-ˈdecker noun
a bus etc having two decks or levels.
a double-decker bus.
ˌdouble-ˈDutch noun
nonsense. You're talking double-Dutch!
double figures
the numbers between 10 and 99. The number of times you have been late is well into double figures.
ˌdouble-ˈquick adjective, adverb
very quick(ly). Get here double-quick / in double-quick time!
at the double
very quickly. He came up the road at the double and rushed into the house.
double back
to turn and go back the way one came. The fox doubled back and went down a hole.
double up
1. to (cause to) bend or collapse suddenly at the waist. We (were) doubled up with laughter; He received a blow in the stomach which doubled him up.
2. to join up in pairs. There weren't enough desks, so some pupils had to double up.
see double
to see two images of everything instead of only one. When I first met the twins, I thought I was seeing double, they were so alike.
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