Sedum rosea

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Related to Sedum rosea: Sedum rhodiola
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Sedum rosea - Eurasian mountain plant with fleshy pink-tipped leaves and a cluster of yellow flowersSedum rosea - Eurasian mountain plant with fleshy pink-tipped leaves and a cluster of yellow flowers
genus Sedum - large genus of rock plants having thick fleshy leaves
sedum - any of various plants of the genus Sedum
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References in periodicals archive ?
FEL arfer darllen erthygl ddiddorol Bethan Wyn Jones am Gadair Idris a phren y ddannoedd (sedum rosea), y roseroot yn Saesneg.
Yma hefyd mae pren y ddannoedd (Sedum rosea; roseroot) i'w weld.