References in classic literature ?
In an Arizona desert one does not long coexist with only such creatures as these: one must have pack animals, supplies, arms--"an outfit." And all these imply comrades.
So I discovered next day when I attempted to buy David's outfit, and found myself as shy of entering the shop as any Mary at the pawnbroker's.
"I run into an outfit the other day, that's stored in town," he said, "an' it's kept me thinkin' ever since.
Outfit of a trapper Risks to which he is subjected Partnership of trappers Enmity of Indians Distant smoke A country on fire Gun Greek Grand Rond Fine pastures Perplexities in a smoky country Conflagration of forests.
And there was one bad stretch where in two days they covered nine miles, being compelled to turn their backs three times on the river and to portage sled and outfit over the mountains.
It was as sweet an outfit as ever I saw, what there was of it.
"Boring for water, you black-and-tan galoot!" replied the Sheik of the Outfit, with that ready repartee which distinguishes the Unbeliever.
Ten thousand tons of outfit lay heaped and scattered, and twice ten thousand men struggled with it and clamoured about it.
And then Tom he talked along and talked along, and says, le's all three slide out of here one of these nights and get an outfit, and go for howling adventures amongst the Injuns, over in the Territory, for a couple of weeks or two; and I says, all right, that suits me, but I ain't got no money for to buy the outfit, and I reckon I couldn't get none from home, because it's likely pap's been back before now, and got it all away from Judge Thatcher and drunk it up.
With it we bought the necessary outfit and presents for my enterprise and started for Bekwando.
And when the last cup of flour was gone and the last rind of bacon, she was able to rise to the occasion, and of moccasins and the softer-tanned bits of leather in the outfit to make a grub-stake substitute that somehow held a man's soul in his body and enabled him to stagger on.
It will then be said of me that I died for the king; so that I shall have performed my duty without the expense of an outfit."