as to

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Related to as to: so as to

as to

1. With regard to: We are puzzled as to how it happened.
2. According to: candidates who were chosen as to ability.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
بِخُصوص، بِما يَتَعَلَّق
pokud jde o
med hensyn til
hvaî varîar, aî òví er viî kemur
…-e gelince


(ӕz) conjunction
1. when; while. I met John as I was coming home; We'll be able to talk as we go.
2. because. As I am leaving tomorrow, I've bought you a present.
3. in the same way that. If you are not sure how to behave, do as I do.
4. used to introduce a statement of what the speaker knows or believes to be the case. As you know, I'll be leaving tomorrow.
5. though. Old as I am, I can still fight; Much as I want to, I cannot go.
6. used to refer to something which has already been stated and apply it to another person. Tom is English, as are Dick and Harry.
used in comparisons, eg the first as in the following example. The bread was as hard as a brick.
1. used in comparisons, eg the second as in the following example. The bread was as hard as a brick.
2. like. He was dressed as a woman.
3. with certain verbs eg regard, ~treat, ~describe, ~accept. I am regarded by some people as a bit of a fool; He treats the children as adults.
4. in the position of. He is greatly respected both as a person and as a politician.
as for
with regard to; concerning. The thief was caught by the police almost immediately: As for the stolen jewels, they were found in a dustbin.
as if / as though
in the way one would expect if. He acted as if he were mad; He spoke as though he knew all about our plans; He opened his mouth as if to speak; You look as if you are going to faint.
as to
as far as (something) is concerned; with regard to. I'm willing to read his book, but as to publishing it, that's a different matter.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in periodicals archive ?
Recent shifts in practice and policy have increased the number of patients opting for AS to 40% - 49% (12-14).
The mutual re-authentication process still needs the AS to participate in executing the total IEEE 802.11i authentication procedures for any handover to occur.
The trustworthiness of this system is depending on the lifesaver ASes, and receives a live BGP feed from each lifesaver AS to guide its decision.
The CV statistic can be used to identify homogeneous places as well as to help in the sampling planning.