
Also found in: Medical, Encyclopedia.
Related to Uniocular: monocular vision, uniocular squint


a.1.Of, pertaining to, or seated in, one eye; monocular.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Uniocular or binocular loss or decrease of vision may result in significant economic burdens to families and governments due to time lost from work or school, and expensive hospitalisation, special treatment, prolonged follow-up and visual rehabilitation.
Ocular trauma has resulted in uniocular blindness in around 18 million patients globally with a greater incidence in children [1].
The first study is a single uniocular subretinal infusion of MA09-hRPE cells in 1 of 4 dose levels NCT01345006).
Although isolated to a single case report, uniocular, florid, retinal haemorrhages in addition to macular oedema were observed in a 31-year-old patient with RRMS and no other medical co-morbidities four weeks after commencing fingolimod.
We also investigated uniocular inoculation, but the mice did not develop HSE or overt CNS inflammation, even when infected with the same total dose of virus (2 x 105 PFU/mouse) as for the bilaterally inoculated mice.
These tumors, in most instances, affect the anterior optic pathway and clinically manifest as uniocular visual loss and proptosis [4, 9-11].
Limbal stem cell transplantation with amniotic membrane for the treatment of uniocular chemical burn in children.
Postoperative complications and visual results in uniocular pediatric traumatic cataract.
NEW ORLEANS -- Uniocular ovarian cysts are fairly common but rarely malignant in postmenopausal women, and most can safely be followed conservatively with serial ultrasounds.
Ueland said he believes that CA-125 testing and Doppler imaging are necessary in all patients with ovarian abnormalities--including uniocular cysts--detected on transvaginal ultrasound.
However, it is important to highlight to patients that they will not be suitable for registration if their sight loss is uniocular. Another vital point is to advise patients that if their sight is at any point affecting their ability to drive safely it is their responsibility to inform the DVLA.