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Related to union: European Union, Soviet Union


Union, industrial township (1990 pop. 50,024), Union co., NE N.J.; settled 1749 by colonists from Connecticut, set off from Elizabethtown 1808. Steel and metal products and paint are among its various manufactures. Union was the site of a Revolutionary battle in 1780. It is the seat of Kean Univ. of New Jersey.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia™ Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a political unit formed by joining monarchical states under the crown of one sovereign.

In state law, two types of union are distinguished—personal and organic. A personal union may arise whenever, as a result of dynastic ties and the order of succession, one person becomes the monarch of two or more states; in this way, for example, England and Hanover were joined in a union from 1714 to 1837. States joined in a personal union retain their own sovereignty, and the power of the monarch is nominal.

An organic union may be formed on the basis of a treaty, as in the case of the union of Sweden and Norway from 1814 to 1905, or it may be imposed by a stronger state on a weaker one, as in the case of the union of Austria and Hungary from 1867 to 1918 or the union of Denmark and Iceland from 1918 to 1944. In international relations, an organic union acts as a single sovereign state.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


(computer science)
A data structure that can store items of different types, but can store only one item at a time.
(design engineering)
A screwed or flanged pipe coupling usually in the form of a ring fitting around the outside of the joint.
A union of a given family of sets is a set consisting of those elements that are members of at least one set in the family. Also known as join.
For two fuzzy sets A and B, the fuzzy set whose membership function has a value at any element x that is the maximum of the values of the membership functions of A and B at x.
The union of two Boolean matrices A and B, with the same number of rows and columns, is the Boolean matrix whose element cij in row i and column j is the union of corresponding elements aij in A and bij in B.
The union of two graphs is the graph whose set of vertices is the union of the sets of vertices of the two graphs, and whose set of edges is the union of the sets of edges of the two graphs.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


A pipe fitting, 1 used to connect the ends of two pipes, neither of which can be turned; consists of three pieces, the two end pieces (having inner threads), which are tightened around the pipe ends to be joined, and a center piece, which draws the two end pieces together as it is rotated, effecting a seal. Also see flange union.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


1. an association, alliance, or confederation of individuals or groups for a common purpose, esp political
2. a device on a flag representing union, such as another flag depicted in the top left corner
3. a device for coupling or linking parts, such as pipes
a. an association of students at a university or college formed to look after the students' interests, provide facilities for recreation, etc.
b. the building or buildings housing the facilities of such an organization
5. Maths a set containing all members of two given sets. Symbol: ∪, as in A∪B
6. in 19th-century England
a. a number of parishes united for the administration of poor relief
b. a workhouse supported by such a combination
7. Textiles a piece of cloth or fabric consisting of two different kinds of yarn


1. Brit
a. the union of England and Wales from 1543
b. the union of the English and Scottish crowns (1603--1707)
c. the union of England and Scotland from 1707
d. the political union of Great Britain and Ireland (1801--1920)
e. the union of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from 1920
2. US
a. the United States of America
b. the northern states of the US during the Civil War
c. (as modifier): Union supporters
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(set theory)
An operation on two sets which returns the set of all elements that are a member of either or both of the argument sets; normally written as an infix upper-case U symbol. The operator generalises to zero or more sets by taking the union of the current partial result (initially the empty set) with the next argument set, in any order.

For example, (a, b, c) U (c, d, e) = (a, b, c, d, e)


A type whose values may be of one of a number of other types, thet current type depending on conditions that are only known at run-time. A variable of union type must be allocated sufficient storage space to hold the largest component type. Some unions include extra information to say which type of value the union currently has (a "tagged union"), others rely on the program to keep track of this independently.

A union contrasts with a structure or record which stores values of all component types at once.


An SQL operator that concatenates two result sets, that must have the same number and types of columns. The operator may be followed by the word "ALL" to indicate that results that appear in both sets should appear twice in the output.
This article is provided by FOLDOC - Free Online Dictionary of Computing (foldoc.org)


The joining of two files in a relational database. See set theory.
Copyright © 1981-2019 by The Computer Language Company Inc. All Rights reserved. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission from the publisher.
References in periodicals archive ?
QUETTA -- Provincial Labor Welfare Department on Thursday cancelled registration of 62 trade unions of government and private organizations under Balochistan Servant Conduct Rues 1979.
Credit Union Trust is the first special purpose bank in Michigan organized by seven credit unions to primarily serve the needs of credit union members.
What is an appropriate time for taking part in trade union activities?
So far, the only organisation sheltering trade unions in Slovakia is the Confederation of Trade Union Organisations (KOZ), a successor of the communist-era trade unions' confederation."Slovakia needs real trade unions," said head of the New Police Trade Union Vojtech Klu#269arovskyacute, as cited by the TASR newswire.
21 Brightview Federal Credit Union brightviewcu.com
Synopsis: Americans' approval of labor unions has risen to 61%, the highest since 2003.
Since 1948, International Credit Union Day has been celebrated annually on the third Thursday of October.
According to details, polio campaign has been started in 11 Union Councils of East and West Karachi including Gujjar Union Council, Manghopir Union Council, Muzaffarabad Union Council, Muslimabad Union Council, Songal Union Council, Chishti Nagar Union Council, Islamia Colony Union Council, Rehri Union Council, Firdous Colony Union Council and Chakra Goth Union Council.
Starting from maximum 1,000 hours per year for trade unions with less than 50 union members (0.5 full-time union official), it goes with maximum 2,000 hours per year for trade unions with union membership of 50-99 (one full-time union official); maximum 3,000 hours per year for trade unions with union membership of 100-199 d-5 full-time union officials).
The Union, on the other hand, was clearly disorganized as the project began, but with the leadership change to Gen.
Union employees were "outraged" at the decision, according to a statement.