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a.1.(Biol.) Possessed of but a single nucleus; as, a uninucleated cell.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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The merozoite form subsequently exits the liver and invades red blood cells, developing into trophozoites which are ring shaped and uninucleated. In the blood, successive broods of parasites grow inside the erythrocyte causing red cell lysis and release of the daughter parasites that then start a new successive parasitic life cycle by invading other red cells.
In S.striata, the uninucleated tapetal cells developed at young microspore stage.
T-cell receptor PCR showed the presence of a clonal cell population and bone marrow histology revealed infiltration by tumour cells with scattered atypical uninucleated cells and binucleated Reed-Sternberg cells.