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not made to feel frightened, nervous, or timid, for example by a threatening person or worrying situation
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.unintimidated - not shrinking from dangerunintimidated - not shrinking from danger    
fearless, unafraid - oblivious of dangers or perils or calmly resolute in facing them
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
However, unintimidated by the wealth of ex rugby talent on display Rothley went on to secure victory in the match by 4-2.
The role of a quizmaster is not as simple as it may seem - one needs to make the children comfortable and unintimidated so that they are unfazed with the occasion and can remember their facts as and when the time arises...
class="MsoNormalIn a country where children are taught that confidence is equal to arrogance and fear is likened to humility, Prof Magoha's self-confidence and the staunch belief in himself is what Kenyan children need to see and emulate a man comfortable with himself, unintimidated by none and a man confident in his own capabilities.
Confidence encompasses believing in one's abilities (i.e., individual qualities) independent of external validation, and forming interpersonal connections by being assertive and unintimidated in social contexts.
Articulate, confident and unintimidated by the surroundings, they were critical of many aspects of modern media and rarely bought hard paper copies, but were regular readers of mainstream news online and spoke highly of the brands they trusted.
Unintimidated by the abstruse and obscure terminology of acupoints and their respective applications written in Chinese - knowledge even locals find daunting - Ton said he has enjoyed acquiring Chinese language through studying the alternative medicine and even called it an 'enthralling' experience to break down the components of Chinese characters, each of which has its own story, the report quoted him.
He relates to his wife's intelligence in respectful, unintimidated ways without feeling diminished by her success and ability.
Unafraid and unintimidated by change, today's emerging creative superstars reflect everything the ad industry aspires to be: Diverse, principled, restlessly innovative and personally interwoven with the complex cultures marketers have consistently struggled to understand.
But he is matched by Krieps, an actress from Luxembourg as canny and unintimidated as Alma herself.
Khare says that "unfortunately the government, instead of looking at the real issue and thanking us for pointing out the major lacuna in their project, is trying to intimidate us, but we remain unintimidated." He adds that "had I been a national security adviser, I would have immediately ordered a very high-power audit into what is happening and stop this idea of linking every bit of information with Aadhar."
Richard Uihlein made 6- and 7-figure donations to many independent political spending groups including the Unintimidated PAC, which supported Wisconsin Gov.
Scott Walker as his chief of staff during Walker's tenure as county executive in Milwaukee County, and was acknowledged by Walker, in his book "Unintimidated: A Governor's Story and a Nation's Challenge," for having "provided excellent counsel."