union bashing

Related to union bashing: Union busting, Union Salting

union bashing

n (inf)Angriffe plauf die Gewerkschaften, Herumhacken ntauf den Gewerkschaften
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in periodicals archive ?
Alia Amirali, AWP organizer and gender studies lecturer, addressed the march by highlighting the need to understand how 'neoliberalism with its mantra of liberalization and deregulation has led to premature deindustrialization, state withdrawal from provision of essential public services, and accompanied by an assault on organized labour through union bashing.
Some of the things they are doing to the health service, the trade union bashing and the welfare changes even she would have baulked at."
"As taxpayers shell out billions for track and stations - and pay through the nose for their tickets - it looks like FGW will cream off profits by cutting services and jobs and also get rewarded by the Tories for some good old-fashioned union bashing. The whole thing stinks."
Union bashing is typical of the party, but in reality it's out-dated.
A TORY backbencher yesterday told David "Cameron to stop "union bashing".
and everyone must know that this is a decisive moment Catch the union bashing? Every Egyptian able to work will be required (obligated) to exert real efforts… Check out The Atlantic.
LibDem minister Danny Alexander said he was not interested in "union bashing".
Poor Carwyn is chained to the hopeless selfserving members of the English Parliament sent by New Labour to Westminster from Wales to support the Tory union bashing Miliband.
They say it's "union bashing" and "poor people bashing." They are wrong.
And to all those that will scream "union bashing": Slaughtering the fattest pig is not being anti-porcine.
It seems as though the council is having a go at union bashing, which if it had worked could have been copied by other departments.

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