Federal soldier

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Noun1.Federal soldier - a member of the Union Army during the American Civil WarFederal soldier - a member of the Union Army during the American Civil War
Yank, Yankee, Northerner - an American who lives in the North (especially during the American Civil War)
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In some way, during the war, by running away and following the Federal soldiers, it seems, he found his way into the new state of West Virginia.
Private Phil Dodd spurred his horse to the general's rescue, and shot the Federal soldier who was so close upon him, thus enabling General Forrest to draw his other pistol, with which he killed another of the group" (Hurst, p.
The bombardment "tore the rebel lines to fragments" without wounding a single Federal soldier. Union artillerist Lieutenant George B.
his strong Union loyalties by depicting the valor of the Federal soldier
Wrote one federal soldier: Bullets were "hissing, humming and whistling everywhere, and the cannons were roaring."
Until recently, many of the women of Diez de Mayo had never even seen a federal soldier. When a lookout alerted the community that soldiers were approaching, thirty women, with their babies and young children, went up to the road to meet them.
His sole offense was that he has been a Federal soldier. In the same neighborhood early last week another colored man was hung up by the neck until he was nearly dead, in order to make him tell where his arms were, which they had commanded him to deliver up.
An article in the October 23, 1917, issue of the Jackson Daily Clarion-Ledger entitled "Old Federal Soldier Visits Capitol City" sheds more light on the plundering of the city.
Synopsis: To many of the Federal soldiers watching the Stars and Stripes unfurl atop Lookout Mountain on the morning of November 25, 1863, it seemed that the battle to relieve Chattanooga was complete.
At least three federal soldiers were killed and two others were injured, regional and federal military commanders told Arab News.
"...I witnessed a painful sight this afternoon--the shooting of two federal soldiers...The men had been tried for desertion, found guilty and sentenced to be shot...About one P.M.
That is, the United States government forced quartering of federal soldiers in civilian homes during the War of 1812 and the Civil War.

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