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an association of organizations formed to represent and advance their joint interests. In INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS there are both TRADE UNION federations, for example the Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, and federations of EMPLOYERS' ASSOCIATIONS, for example ENGINEERING EMPLOYERS' FEDERATION.
Collins Dictionary of Business, 3rd ed. © 2002, 2005 C Pass, B Lowes, A Pendleton, L Chadwick, D O’Reilly and M Afferson
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First, we need to draft state charters for a pilot set of prospective states, to scope the behavior of 'different systems.' I would propose Metro Manila, Bangsamoro, Northern Luzon and Eastern Visayas as four different prospective federal state systems for scoping.
He said Pakistan being a federal state would flourish more when federating units had better representation at the federal level.
Justice and equality will dominate in a federal state" the president said in a meeting with academics, sheikhs and National Dialogue Conference (NDC) representatives.
Yemeni delegates Monday were close to agreement on the shape of a future federal state to settle a long-standing dispute over the south's status, sources close to a national dialogue said.
He added that during the past 12 years, the Federal State of Baden-Wuerttemberg had been the biggest exporter to Saudi Arabia among the German federal states.
Aglipay said the letter with a signature of ''Adrev'' said the group wants the Philippines to be broken into three states -- the Indigenous Federal State, the Islamic Federal State, and the Christian Federal State.
Erased from all GDR maps until the reunification in 1990, the building was passed into the hands of the Federal State of Germany.
Incidentally, I also mentioned in many forums on federalism that it is possible for the federal state of the Bangsamoro to have two autonomous regions: one for the Muslim-dominated provinces in mainland Mindanao, and the other for Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi.
As both the Senate and the House of Representatives are at loggerheads on proposals to form a federal state, Pimentel expressed optimism that his proposal would eventually get the nod of Congress during the tenure of President Rodrigo Duterte that ends in 2022.
9--In preparation for the National Dialogue Conference (NDC) outcomes that are likely to recommend a federal state structure for Yemen, a two-day forum on federalism was held at the Movenpick Hotel in Sana'a.

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