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A joining together of states or nations in a league or association; the league itself. An unincorporated association of persons for a common purpose.

West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Hadi also noted the international community's backing of Yemen's plan to become a federal state. "The international community, including the five permanent members of the U.N.
He added that Baden Wuerttemberg had been the biggest exporter to Saudi Arabia among the German federal states for the last 12 years.
It is true that in 2018, I filed a resolution to adopt the federal system where I suggested that our republic should have 11 federal states. At that time, it did not include the Cordilleras.
The seats of power will also be dispersed with the Federal Executive department (Malacanang) holding offices in the Federal Administrative region of Metro Manila while the Federal Legislature will hold offices in the Federal State of Central Visayas.
The federal state should be composed of several regions, but a two-region division will be an invitation for separation." David Parks, a senior advisor for the Forum of Federations, said calls for secession in the South obligate the country to change the structure of the state, to decentralize power and to meet people's demands.
Meanwhile, Visayas' federal states would be composed of the Federal State of Eastern Visayas, Central Visayas, Western Visayas and 'Minparom' or provinces of Mindoro Oriental, Mindoro Occidental, Palawan and the Kalayaan Islands, Romblon, and Marinduque.
However, Philippines would also have individual federal states with separate federal legislature and local governments like the United States.
But apart from this, the country would also have federal states with their own federal legislature and local governments.
Under the proposed joint resolution of Gonzales and De Vera, government shall be divided into two tiers: a federal state with a bicameral legislature and a regional government with a unicameral legislature.

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