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A union of states in which each member state retains some independent control over internal and external affairs. Thus, for international purposes, there are separate states, not just one state. A federation, in contrast, is a union of states in which external affairs are controlled by a unified, central government.

West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

CONFEDERATION, government. The name given to that form of government which the American colonies, on shaking off the British yoke, devised for their mutual safety and government.
     2. The articles of confederation, (q.v.) were finally adopted on the 15th of November, 1777, and with the exception of Maryland, which, however, afterwards also agreed to them, were speedily adopted by the United States, and by which they were formed into a federal @bod y, and went into force on the first day of March, 1781; 1 Story Const. Sec. 225; and so remained until the adoption of the present constitution, which acquired the force of the supreme law of the land on the first Wednesday of March, 1789. 5 Wheat. R. 420. Vide Articles of Confederation.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
References in periodicals archive ?
The Senegalese has been given the mandate to oversee administrative reforms within the confederation despite reservations raised by some members of the African body."We have defined a road map with 11 points that will transform Caf," Infantino said.
Former vice-president of the African confederation (currently FibaAfrica) and former president of the technical commission Abderraouf Manjour was appointed president of the Academy of FibaAfrica, while former national coach Habib Cherif was elected president of the board of African coaches.
BEIRUT: The General Confederation of Lebanese Workers announced Monday that it accepted the resignation of its head, Bechara Asmar, and called for his immediate release.
Moreover, Zamalek's president revealed that he asked the minister of youth and sports to play the African final of the Confederation in front of RS Berkane of Morocco, scheduled for 26 May at Cairo Stadium, instead of Borg El Arab in Alexandria, stressing that Zamalek plays for Egypt's name and that its qualification for the final will not be less important than Egypt organising the African Nations Championship.
The project is being implemented with the assistance of the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers') Organizations of Azerbaijan and the German government, according to the source.
The decision to provide financial support to Kotoko forms part of the government's policy to assist Ghanaian clubs in continental competitions, particularly teams that qualified to the group stage of both the CAF Champions League and the Confederation Cup.
The Confederation of Free Trade Unions wants higher public sector salaries, minim wage alignment and K-15 (annual leave allowance) payment.
L'ambiance a l'interieur de la confederation generale des entreprises du Maroc n'est pas au beau fixe.
President of Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) Comrade Ayuba Wabba has been elected President of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Five trade unions are launching a new umbrella organisation.Five trade union organisations have founded a new trade union confederation called Spolo#269neacute Odbory Slovenska or the Joint Trade Unions of Slovakia in English (SOS).
WAS PRESIDENT Anastasiades having a laugh on Tuesday when he said it would be a good idea to have a seminar at which experts would examine the issues relating to federation and confederation? And he did not leave it there.

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