Acer macrophyllum

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Noun1.Acer macrophyllum - maple of western North America having large 5-lobed leaves orange in autumnAcer macrophyllum - maple of western North America having large 5-lobed leaves orange in autumn
maple - any of numerous trees or shrubs of the genus Acer bearing winged seeds in pairs; north temperate zone
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- The owner of a lumber mill in southwest Washington has pleaded guilty to trafficking in big leaf maple trees that were illegally harvested from national forest lands.
And Londis also offered Californian autumnal richness with Anchor Brewery's Big Leaf Maple.
Pacific Coast maple--Acer macrophyllum--goes by a variety of terms, among them big leaf maple and Oregon maple, but by any name the domestic hardwood is known as the soft maple of the Western United States and Canada.
"It goes marching across the face, and the curl will vary from species to species," he said, "looking different in red leaf maple [compared to] its relative big leaf maple. The curl in red leaf maple is usually 1/2-inch to 5/8-inch in diameter and also is known as tiger or tiger-stripe maple."
Big leaf maple, also known as Oregon maple, is noteworthy because it is the most commercially important of the maples found in the Western United States.
Brunner, 25, and Timbers' goalie Jake Gleeson, 21, helped the Friends of Trees nonprofit group plant 125 cottonwood and big leaf maple trees at Harvest Landing Park as part of a publicity sweep across the state.
I thought, there's a lot of big leaf maple around here.
A few pale green leaves of autumn joy sedum, a succulent that's usually planted as an ornamental, lay next to a handful of yellowish blossoms from a big leaf maple tree.
That's right: Big leaf maple, walnut, oak and catalpa are out there on the city street corners, prepared to offer you a critical service, according to forestry researchers.
While he and his students worked on securing the logs, youth corps volunteers spread wood chips below the columns, pounded flat the gravel base of the new terrace, planted red alder and big leaf maple saplings, and painted a new educational kiosk.
Tom Snyder, one-third of the model-making business, Moments in Time Exhibits, said the re-creation is exact, right down to the location of the big leaf maple trees and the panes in the windows of the scale-model courthouse.