big league

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big leagues

An area, echelon, or sphere of great competition, success, power, achievement, etc. Refers to major (i.e., "big") leagues of sports teams. I know you're new here, but you need to perform much better than that. You're in the big leagues now. Welcome to the big leagues, senator. With this promotion, you'll be working in the big leagues. Can you handle it?
See also: big, league


Describing or indicative of the highest level of something. That's a tough injury to come back from—I wonder if he'll ever be a big-league pitcher again. Welcome to the Senate, John. You're a big-league politician now. If we could get a big-league actor like him to sign onto our movie, people might actually go and see it!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

big league

An area of tough competition and high rewards; the largest or foremost of its kind. For example, Winning an Oscar put this unknown actress in the big league. The term alludes to the major (big) leagues of American baseball. [Late 1800s] Also see big time, def. 2.
See also: big, league
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

big league

1. n. a situation where competition is keen and a high level of performance is expected. (Usually plural. Referred originally to major league sports.) You’re in the big leagues now—no more penny-ante stuff.
2. and big-league mod. professional; big time. (From baseball.) When I’m a big-league star, I’ll send you free tickets.
See also: big, league
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
More than ten years ago, Marucci launched in a backyard shed with the goal of becoming the number one bat in the Big Leagues.
Big League's Dan Sher said the decision was made after his producing org failed to reach an agreement with Actors' Equity.
Warren Spahn was a true big league star for all time.
Only their color kept them out of big league baseball." (25)
We chose to stay in the big league. Our goal is now to remain there."
Leveraging the Global association in India, Vodafone had launched 'Vodafone Drive into the Big League - II' that provides a never before opportunity to small & medium enterprises (SME's) to have their logo on the Vodafone McLaren Mercedes cars that will race at the motor racing event in India.
He's here in Fort Myers and he's recovering and it's not going to get in the way of his future, but he won't be in big league camp."
They will once again represent the region and the country in the Big League World Series set Aug.
HE'S the soaring voice behind that haunting Lexus ad on telly and, at 20, Martin Grech is staking a claim to rock's big league.
Then, on February 25, Washington (1933b) announced the beginning of the newspaper's symposium on baseball, telling readers that over the next several weeks he would publish the views of big league owners, managers, ballplayers, and sportswriters on why there were no Blacks in baseball.
GAY KELLEWAY has been looking for some while for a horse to bring her back into the big league and feels she might just have found one in Grey Pearl.
Cast urethane throwing wheels, custom formulated and manufactured by Mearthane Products, are credited with improving the accuracy of a computerized batting cage designed to emulate big league pitching.