big lie

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big lie

A propaganda technique of creating grossly distorted or misrepresented facts that one repeats with such fervor and conviction that the public comes to view it as the truth without questioning. Of course, the big lie of the time was that anyone who strayed from the government's agenda must be a Communist sympathizer. Anything those politicians say is just part of the big lie designed to keep them in power. Without Hitler's big lie attributing the problems of Germany to the Jews, would the Holocaust have even happened?
See also: big, lie
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

the big lie

a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the facts, especially when used as a propaganda device by a politician or official body.
See also: big, lie
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017
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References in periodicals archive ?
As for lies about immigration, they were for many years rife in British public debate; not least the big lie that immigrants somehow cost the existing population money and jobs, when in fact the reverse is true.
TNA: A key theme running through the film is what Hitler described as the "big lie. " What is the "big lie, " and how have Democrats and progressives employed this political strategy to their advantage in the battle for hearts and minds, and votes, in America?
Taking to Twitter, the US President wrote, "Iran's Military Budget is up more than 40% since the Obama negotiated Nuclear Deal was reached...just another indicator that it was all a big lie. But not anymore!"
American Addict (2012) and American Addict 2: The Big Lie (2016) are a must see for anyone who is even mildly concerned about the rampant prescription drug abuse that continues unabated in the US.
A big lie shouted over and over doesn't accumulate a shred of truth.
Big Lie #1: They are economic refugees, not people fleeing persecution.
"It's a big lie that our relationship is not good," Mourinhotold a news conference on Friday.
Julie Mayhew; THE BIG LIE; Candlewick Press (Children's: Young Adult Fiction) 17.99 ISBN: 9780763691257
Graham Turpin: "The big lie was of course the implosion of the UK economy, emergency budgets, major tax rises.
That's a big, big lie, he said,' Senator Lacson further quoted his son as saying.
"It is not a spring, it is a big lie, a trick that the whole world is following," said Pope Tawadros in an exclusive interview with ON Live channel on Thursday.
Germany's Nazis were famous for the big lie propaganda technique: If something is said often enough, people will believe it.
My 10-year-old - who's spent his entire life waking up at the same sort of time as breakfast news presenters - has discovered the concept of the Big Lie In during this school break.
Big Lie In a shock The Love Shack by Jane Costello is published by Simon and Schuster, priced PS7.99
Not since Joe McCarthy, the demagogue and bully who rose to political prominence in the early 1950s by blatantly distorting the truth, has there been a public figure like Donald Trump, the Republican front runner with a penchant for telling "the big lie" about anything from President Obama's birthplace to Mexican immigrants' putative criminality, and from how African Americans are responsible for most white homicides to how "thousands and thousands" of Arabs in New Jersey City cheered as the Twin Towers were attacked on 9/11 - along with a host of other fantastical tales in between.