Acer macrophyllum

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Synonyms for Acer macrophyllum

maple of western North America having large 5-lobed leaves orange in autumn

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References in periodicals archive ?
"The West is in general poor in hardwoods yielding high-quality lumber, but big leaf maple is an exception, producing several million board feet a year for use in furniture, interior finish, flooring, and boat building," according to Peattie.
She started working with the cambium layer of big leaf maples she found near her home, shaping her baskets in response to her forest environment.
Eugene has been in love with trees since the first settlers transplanted big leaf maple saplings from the riverbank to their front yards, said Phillip Carroll of the Eugene Tree Foundation.
But it became a hazard because of rot in its trunk and roots, so when it was felled on Monday, urban forester Seth San Filippo stepped in to make his own brand of lemonade from the tree - which actually was a big leaf maple.
So, the state Department of Forestry bids you to get out, now, and see the big leaf maple, dogwood, red alder, vine maple and poison oak stage their annual show.
But metal sculptor Lin Cook has her own florid names for the stations: Big Leaf Maple, Pacific Dogwood, Oregon Iris, Rhododendron, White Oak, Sword Fern, Douglas Fir and Filbert.
Three native trees - two incense cedars and a big leaf maple - will be added, along with native or low-maintenance plants in the area's planting beds.
On Saturday, volunteers spread out in teams of three to plant a mix of black cottonwood, big leaf maple, Oregon ash, a Willamette Valley subspecies of ponderosa pine and Western red cedar.
In honor of Arbor Week, students from Northwest Christian College will help the Eugene Neighborwoods program plant seven big leaf maple trees on Monroe Street between Eighth Avenue and West Broadway from 2 p.m.
So far the company has sent these types: 1972, commercial card of unknown wood type; 1973, Douglas fir; 1974, Sitka spruce; 1975, hemlock; 1976, Western red cedar; 1977, red alder; 1978, big leaf maple; 1979, bitter cherry; 1980 Port Orford Western red cedar; 1981, lodge pole pine; 1982, golden chinquapin; 1983, Pacific yew; 1984, Oregon ash; 1985, myrtlewood; 1986, cascara buckthorn; 1987, willow; 1988, tan oak; 1989, Oregon white oak; 1990, Pacific dogwood; 1991, Pacific madrone; 1992, black cottonwood; 1993, ponderosa pine; 1994, grand fir; 1995, California black oak; 1996, Western juniper; 1997, Pacific silver fir; 1998, redwood; 1999, vine maple; 2000, rhododendron; 2001, Pacific bayberry; 2002, KMX pine; 2003, American chestnut; 2004, incense-cedar; 2005, black walnut.
"It's very important to restore the habitat, and increase the overall benefits of the urban forest on site." Last August, Seattle park workers discovered more than 120 mature big leaf maples and indigenous cherry trees had been cut down within a three-quarter acre plot next to Farris' home.
A good bet would be our abundance of trees - the large-canopy big leaf maples, the craggy Oregon white oaks, the horse chestnuts lining the north end of Jefferson Street downtown, and many other species in our parks and neighborhoods throughout the city.
Big leaf maples in the lower elevations are just starting to turn yellow.
Big leaf maples, Oregon white oak and Oregon ash will help re-create riparian forest lands, and shrubs, wildflowers and grasses will be planted along the channel banks and in the uplands.