Big Rip

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Related to Big Rip: Big Freeze, Dark energy

Big Rip

A possible end point of the expanding universe at which the accelerating expansion of spacetime initiated at the Big Bang extends to small enough spatial scales to rip apart atoms and subatomic particles.

[On the model of Big Bang.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The universe can reach its demise in the form of a big rip if its expansion speeds up too much or in the form of a big crunch if it suddenly slows as dark energy becomes weak.
As a result, Hubble factor and curvature diverges in finite time causing "Big Rip" singularity (see [38-40]).
In the study, the researchers examined three possible ways in which this cataclysmic event may take place - the big rip, wherein the fabric of space-time abruptly rips itself to shreds at a fixed point in the future, the little sibling of the big rip, and the little rip.
Dr Marcelo Disconzi of Vanderbilt University in Tennessee added: "A Big Rip is possible, although the data is far from conclusive.
THE universe could meet a violent end by tearing itself apart in an event dubbed the Big Rip, scientists warn.
This would reach such speed that it could break the nuclear forces in the atoms and end the universe in some 20,000 million years, in what is called the Big Rip.
If it does, the universe might ultimately be torn apart in what scientists call the Big Rip (SN: 11/30/18, p.
The whole green energy scam reminds me of the last big rip off that made lots of people lots of money - The Millennium Bug.
(Conveniently, in this scenario everyone goes all at once.) Even those who don't buy stories of a second coming or the end of days or a final judgment (not to mention the Big Crunch or the Big Rip) have trouble thinking about making sacrifices for a future that neither they nor anyone they know personally will inhabit.
As we scooted on our butts to get down, I heard a big rip. He told me my pants were just torn a little, but when we got back to our cabin, my friends started laughing hysterically.
It is one big rip off - the whole country is a rip off - Mick Russell, 65, retired, from Grove Hill