big up

Also found in: Idioms.

big up

vb, bigs, bigging or bigged
(tr, adverb) slang to make important, prominent, or famous: we'll do our best to big you up.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Big up to everybody out there who supported throughout the years.
Tyler "Manchild" Pacheco and Simon Bannerot's pro status was revealed by the ad(s) in this very mag, so big ups to both of them.
big ups to every beautiful spirit manifested as woman in this 'man's' world!" Rihanna wrote.
I have to give big ups to them and to Marcus for putting the ball on the money every time."
Pittsburgh is not a market that generally has any really big ups or downs.
I still get a thrill from staying up late, listening to the big UPS lorries huff up the hill I live on, and the foxes whining in the garden.
As hip hop continues to shape contemporary mainstream culture, a big ups in order for Adante Ace of Ace of Spades Entertainment, who's undertaking to infuse real hip hop into the NYC party scene, fosters continued awareness and connection between party goers - and the originators of the music genre.
Within a safe environment, the theater, you can have a big ride, big ups and downs, intensity, warmth, humanity, laughs, tears--you want that full range of emotion."
Big ups for Paul Cheng for taking this fight on short notice.
Somerset captain Marcus Trescothick said: "We have had some big ups and downs during the course of the season, so finish to off like this was very pleasing and there have been some special things during the course of this game.