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1.(Mus.) Attack at once; - a direction at the end of a movement to show that the next is to follow immediately, without any pause.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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(6.) Dal titolo di un articolo pubblicato su Sipario in cui Betti attacca quel che chiama il teatro "tutto calibrato al millesimo", che tuttavia proprio per questa perfetta corrispondenza di pezzi "formi una macchina che da segni di essere vecchia" (Betti, 1946: 8).
Featuring Chicago's Quintet Attacca in a performance of "Peter and the Wolf." Each instrument will present the classic characters of the story with the music of Sergey Prokofiev arranged for wind quintet.
The narration for the most part alternates with short orchestral interjections, reminiscent of Mozart's recitativo accompagnato--particularly in the second one, where the melodrama moves attacca into an aria for Soliman.
Il Cesarotti quindi attacca le sentenze centrali dei classicisti e dei puristi e dichiara come contropostulato: "La lingua scritta dee considerarsi come il compimento e la perfezione della parlata, do-vendo essa aggiungere alla regolarita ed alla scelta che le sono proprie, la franchezza e la fecondita che caratterizzano l'altra." (1943, p.
I love how the scene moves from the night setting of the Act I love duet (through a patterned scrim in the dark, we barely see the lovers climb steps and move to the bed) to the beginning of Act II, attacca, with no audience applause to interrupt.
Jagger errs, I think, with his editorial suggestion "Attacca Finale" with the two earlier versions of the ending, as these were not intended to lead directly into the finale at all.
Il critico che attacca in modo piu violento il romanzo e senza dubbio Fausto Gianfranceschi, che si scaglia contro Roth in due occasioni, la prima poco dopo la pubblicazione, dalle colonne del quotidiano Il Tempo ("Erotismo con la coda di paglia"), la seconda, poco piu tardi, sul settimanale Lo Specchio ("Lamento di un porcaccione").
In the diptych Attacca (Attack), the bloodstained hands of an impeccably coiffed woman bear the evidence of a violent event; perhaps stricken by madness after a homicide, she laughs hysterically alongside an obnoxious little pink poodle that bares its teeth: this deranged trophy wife's companion in solitude.
But Nardone paused too long between each of the three parts, and even between individual segments, often clearly marked "attacca", or "segue".
The work is divided into seven sections, performed attacca. Steinmetz composed the work to be enjoyed without interruption, and now encourages performers to exclude section titles from the program.
12 December 2016 - US-based Attacca International and Milestone Business Developments served as financial advisors to Dallas, Texas-based investment consulting firm Larry Thompson and Associates in its acquisition by US-based investment consulting, portfolio management, and research services company Fund Evaluation Group, the firms said.