Amaryllis belladonna

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Related to Amaryllis belladonna: belladonna lily
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Noun1.Amaryllis belladonna - amaryllis of South Africa often cultivated for its fragrant white or rose flowersAmaryllis belladonna - amaryllis of South Africa often cultivated for its fragrant white or rose flowers
amaryllis - bulbous plant having showy white to reddish flowers
genus Amaryllis - type genus of the Amaryllidaceae; bulbous flowering plants of southern Africa
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References in periodicals archive ?
PLANT autumn-flowering bulbs such as colchicums, autumn crocus, sternbergia, Nerine bowdenii and Amaryllis belladonna to refuel flower beds and put shrubs that have fabulous autumn foliage in the spotlight.
Once its spires have disintegrated, stems of crocosmia would add rich colour, and could be followed by autumn crocus or a smattering of Amaryllis belladonna.
Once its spires have disintegrated, stems of crocosmia be followed by autumn crocus or a smattering of Amaryllis belladonna.
Noted for their pink flowering bulbs, these plants, such as Amaryllis belladonna, can cause lethargy, excessive salivation, anorexia and tremors.
Yours sincerely, Elizabeth Tusk, East Yorkshire Hi Elizabeth The Jersey lily, Amaryllis belladonna, is actually a native of South Africa.
Hardy bulbs such as nerines, galtonia and Amaryllis belladonna can be planted in spring and left to naturalise in a warm, sunny spot.
Plant autumn-flowering bulbs such as amaryllis belladonna and autumn crocuses
Plan ahead for a great show next year with bulbs such as Nerine spp., Scilla scilloides, Leucojum autumnale, Amaryllis belladonna and Crinum.
All will give a colorful display in spring: baboon flower (Babiana), African corn lily (Ixia), dwarf Narcissus, Freesia, grape hyacinth (Muscari), harlequin flower (Sparaxis), Homeria collina, naked lady (Amaryllis belladonna), ranunculus, Tritonia and species tulips (such as Tulipa clusiana, T.