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Noun1.amateurishness - something that demonstrates a lack of professional competencyamateurishness - something that demonstrates a lack of professional competency
unskillfulness - a lack of cognitive skill
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n (pej)Dilettantismus m; (of performance, work)Laienhaftigkeit f
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References in classic literature ?
"And yet," he continued, "there has always been in our love-making a touch of amateurishness. It is an awkward word, but I do not know how better to explain myself."
In other respects also there are great contrasts; sometimes the feeling and power of a scene are admirable, revealing an author of real ability, sometimes there is only crude and wooden amateurishness. The medieval lack of historic sense gives to all the plays the setting of the authors' own times; Roman officers appear as feudal knights; and all the heathens (including the Jews) are Saracens, worshippers of 'Mahound' and 'Termagaunt'; while the good characters, however long they may really have lived before the Christian era, swear stoutly by St.
She scarcely noted the rhythm otherwise, except when it became too pompous, at which moments she was disagreeably impressed with its amateurishness. That was her final judgment on the story as a whole - amateurish, though she did not tell him so.
The latest crisis has badly exposed the amateurishness of our leadership in dealing with critical issues.
THE longer I spend on the grassy knoll observing the nation's movers and shakers, the more I roll my eyes at the amateurishness of our professionals, witness this week's lesson in how not to be a diplomat.
Jan Nycentsmec returned to Czechoslovakia after 15 years in exile and immediately caused an uproar with his aesthetically unusual The Flames of Royal Love (1990), a subversive shout in an era of chaos when genius, amateurishness, art, and kitsch suddenly all found themselves back at the same starting point.
"Do not compare amateurishness with a lack of danger."
Stepping off the coach after a three-hour journey from Newport with just 60 minutes to prepare for a European rugby match carried the whiff of amateurishness.
The amateurishness of the Downing Street operation is beyond risible.
Looking back, the tone of the questioning was so mean spirited that it bordered on being unprofessional but then, in the moment, it was all perfectly in keeping with the amateurishness of Levein's Scotland.
He was unmistakably "sent back to his amateurishness" as he said, meaning that he stumbled in almost every sentence on cliches, commonplaces, taboos, and other dead ends that prevented him from letting the fiction grow.
The amateurishness with which the issue of the Pera Pedi plot sold to the Russian businessman was handled by the president and his advisors defies belief.