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Related to amate: Amaterasu


vb (tr)
to be a match to or for (someone or something)to dishearten (someone or something)
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With: Hamada, Thomas Millet, Zahia Said, Assia Brahmi, Bonnafet Tarboureich, Mohammed Dine El Hannani, Betty Krestinsky, Jean Nehr, Marc Robert, Nadia Samir, Marc Robert, Tolga Cayir, Julien Amate.
Especially appealing are the colorful, full-page illustrations rendered in amate, a special paper made from the bark of a tree popular in the area and adorned with folklore-type motifs.
At least one Mexico guidebook has called it "Probably the best English-language bookstore in all Mexico." But in order to enjoy Amate Books' 7,700-title selection, Anglophone book lovers have always had to travel to Oaxaca and make their purchases in person.
Look for pounds 2 off the Rosemount Chardonnay 2000 down from pounds 6.95 to pounds 4.95 and pounds 1 off the Amate Crianza Rioja 1998, now on sale at pounds 5.96 instead of pounds 4.96.
The Music of Harrison Birtwistle will inevitably be of more interest to the former group than the latter, though it is not beyond the reach of an interested amate ur.
La ragionevolezza di Maria e di Pietro non e avversa alla religione: lei resta affezionata alle monache che l'hanno educata (4), e mantiene un confessore; lui si rifa alla "benevolenza cristiana" (129) e a Dio (184-85) con passi che a tratti preannunciano il cristianesimo manzoniano: "volete veder Dio, riflettete al dolce sentimento di consolazione che provate praticando la virtu, e al ribrezzo che provate pel vizio." Non parla di Dio, dice Verri, chi "comandi azioni ingiuste [ed] esigga delle puerili e meschine pratiche" ma "chi vi dice siate modesta, perdonate, compatite, frenate la collera e la impazienza, beneficate, amate le creature del nostro padre comune" (184) [qui e altrove mantengo l'ortografia verriana].
The Academy Boys took 13 minutes to take the lead through enterprising Justice Amate before the referee whistled for the end of the first half.
Owners Jose Arreazza Amate, 55, and Steven Tierney, 52, were fined PS797.31 each after pleading guilty to two offences, including the failure to keep the premises clean and failure to clean equipment which comes into contact with food.
TREE BIRDS At the top of Oscar Soteno's Tree of Life, is a figure holding two traditional-looking Amate (pronounced "ah-MAH-tay") bark paintings.
But let me put it this way: Their number is only small compared with the majority of Muslims, who believe in coexistence and freedom of choice,' said Aleem Taher Amate, president of the United Imam of the Philippines.