
Also found in: Medical.


n.1.(Chem.) A characteristic crystalline substance, obtained from oil of bitter almonds.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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AMARINE engineer based in Northumberland has outlined plans for an innovation he believes could revitalise North East industry while saving the UK taxpayer billions of pounds.
AMARINE reserve and a blight free tomato have helped Bangor University academics earn top awards.
Observations of zenith sky transmittance and global and diffuse short-wave radiative fluxes carried out over two stations, (i) Chiba (35.7[degrees]N, 139.7[degrees]E), an urban site in Japan, and (ii) Cape Hedo (26.87[degrees]N, 128.25[degrees]E), amarine environment as part of the SKYNET ( programme, [12] have been used in the present study.
Harry - who dreams of being amarine biologist - also has a few concerns.
The announcement was hailed as "fantastic" by conservationists who have been campaigning for the creation of amarine reserve to protect some of the world's most unspoilt seas and coral reefs in the face of pollution, climate change and loss of species.
The firm has secured major contracts for amarine and built environment centre at Llandrillo College's Rhos-on-Sea campus and for housing association work in North Wales.
Para a analise sensorial, foi utilizado o metodo de Perfil Sensorial de Sabor e Aroma conforme STONE & SIDEL (1998) e AMARINE et al.
Ski Instructor Captain Hugh Jones, from Glasgow, is on his 12th tour to Norway and has more than 20 years as aMarine under his belt.