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Related to Amaranthaceae: amaranth family, amaranthaceae family
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Noun1.Amaranthaceae - cosmopolitan family of herbs and shrubsAmaranthaceae - cosmopolitan family of herbs and shrubs
caryophylloid dicot family - family of relatively early dicotyledonous plants including mostly flowers
Caryophyllales, Chenopodiales, order Caryophyllales, order-Chenopodiales - corresponds approximately to the older group Centrospermae
Amaranthus, genus Amaranthus - large widely distributed genus of chiefly coarse annual herbs
Alternanthera, genus Alternanthera - genus of low herbs of tropical America and Australia; includes genus Telanthera
Celosia, genus Celosia - annual or perennial herbs or vines of tropical and subtropical America and Asia and Africa
Froelichia, genus Froelichia - genus of erect or procumbent herbs of the Americas having spikes of woolly white flowers: cottonweed
genus Gomphrena, Gomphrena - genus of tropical herbs or subshrubs having flowers in close heads; tropical America and Australia
genus Iresine, Iresine - genus of tropical American herbs or subshrubs
genus Telanthera, Telanthera - used in former classifications systems; now included in genus Alternanthera
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References in periodicals archive ?
Among these, Rosaceae with 10 species was dominant family followed by Asteraceae and Lamiaceae with 7 species each, Araceae and Polygonaceae 3 species each, Amaranthaceae 2 species and Anacardiaceae, Apiaceae, Asparagaceae Berberidaceae, Convolvulaceae and Lamiaceae were represented by one species each (Table 1 and Table 3).
They were followed by Amaranthaceae with (7 spp.), Euphorbiaceae with (6 spp.), Boraginaceae with (5 spp.), Brassicaceae, Mimosaceae and Zygopyllaceae with (4 spp.) each, Solanaceae with (3 spp.).
capensis, esta principalmente compuesta por semillas de malezas de las familias Amaranthaceae, Poaceae, Solanaceae y Portulacaceae, mientras que en los insectos destaca el orden Coleoptera.
Habitat: A perennial vine member of the Amaranthaceae family growing to about 4m in iron-rich soil in the Amazon basin with a thick root system producing heart-shaped leaves with panicles of small, yellow/green flowers.
The new virus was isolated from Alternanthera pungens plants of the family Amaranthaceae. AltMV belongs to the genus Potexvirus and the family Alphaflexiviridae.
Ce taxon est caracterise systematiquement comme suit: Regne: Plantae, Sous-regne: Tracheobionta, Embranchement: Spermatophytes, Sous Embranchement: Angiospermes, Division: Magnoliophyta, Classe: Magnoliopsida, Sous-classe: Caryophyllidae, Ordre: Caryophyllales, Famille: Amaranthaceae, Genre: Hammada, Espece: Hammada scoparia (Pomel) Iljin.
Although saltmarsh plants such as saltbushes (family: Amaranthaceae) have suitable adaptations allowing them to persist close to the shoreline, throughout the saltmarsh or more inland (Ungar 1991; Semeniuk and Semeniuk 2013), it is inevitable that these saltbushes will have a tolerance threshold when coping with increasingly saline soils and higher seasonal temperatures (Bellafiore et al.