The stand-alone mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly aims to be the most stable and customizable experience for fans of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. It's powered by the Monolith 64-bit engine, a custom fork of the X-Ray engine.


A collection of popular and custom mini mods in DLTX format

[DLTX REQUIRED] DLTX MiniMod Repository (UPDATE 52)
Post comment Comments  (200 - 250 of 377)
Guest - - 700,191 comments

Could we get a patch for hunting backpacks and Anomaly Magazines so the combat backpack still lets you carry more mags

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RomE_HK - - 7 comments

Dead_Stalker_PDA_Rarity_Models_DLTX should also override icons for common PDA. Like this:

inv_grid_x = 4
inv_grid_y = 27

Or icons replacers such as CR3PIS ( won't replace icon for it

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
mirykraine - - 62 comments

"Fillable Canteens_DLTX: Added patch for Grok's Stash Overhaul"
This patch is missing from the archive...

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TheMrDemonized Author
TheMrDemonized - - 1,053 comments

It's integrated in the mod itself

Reply Good karma+1 vote
N.N. - - 48 comments

This is an awesome pack, thank you for making it!
I wonder, could you create a mod which would reenable the M79 and add it to some traders? Freedom, Mercs and Nimble perhaps.

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purifi3r - - 2 comments

Thanks for the crow patch! Now I can use quick melee strike and loot poor birbs at the same time

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Bartoche70 - - 219 comments

Good idea and thanks for your effort. I noticed a mistake in More_dynamic_tasks_DLTX, the name for the file "mod_task_manager_more_dynamic_tasks.ltx" should be "mod_tm_dynamic_more_dynamic_tasks.ltx . I used others mod conflicting with it and all was right before i used that DLTX. All is right now with this name for me...

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
TheMrDemonized Author
TheMrDemonized - - 1,053 comments

By renaming that file you simply made it not working and doing nothing. Tm_dynamic.ltx is included into task_manager.ltx,and being a dltx mod required a modification of latter root file which aren't included anywhere. Read how dltx mods work before noticing mistakes

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Bartoche70 - - 219 comments

Ok you are right for task_manager, but with your DLTX version; do not work for me. I used finally the patch non DLTX from Banjajis; for_Task_givers_demise_v2.2 and all is work.

I think DLTX is cool, but not perfect...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
quocanhlaem - - 49 comments

Got an error FATAL ERROR

[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CInifile::Load::<lambda_b431c14b0940f0989df5c67e88c40caf>::()::<lambda_aa6fa1f0224a3c4dd1888c2d935ef80f>::operator ()
[error]File : Xr_ini.cpp
[error]Line : 330
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : Duplicate section 'antibio_chlor' wasn't marked as an override. Override section by prefixing it with '!' (![antibio_chlor]) or give it a unique name.

stack trace:
Found it, it FDDA extra animation DLTX

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SniperHellscream - - 985 comments

hello friend, I have a question does the original Smoother Progression plugin have a patch for WPO, my question is, do I need to continue using this patch while using your version of Smoother Progression DLTX? or is it totally unnecessary?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Rodhen - - 4 comments

Can you make Misfire Increase patch for Simple Weapons Pack ( )?

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Guest - - 700,191 comments

I keep getting this error specifically with the Misfire Increase BaS patch, I do have BaS installed, for certain and it loads BEFORE the misfire increase patch. And as soon as I disable the misfire increase BaS patch my game will load. Any ideas?

Expression : <no expression>
Function : CInifile::Load
File : Xr_ini.cpp
Line : 789
Description : fatal error
Arguments : Attemped to override section 'wpn_ar15_freedom', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first.

stack trace:

edit: I seem to be getting the error with various BaS patches as I also got it with the blindside anim pack resound BaS patch

Expression : <no expression>
Function : CInifile::Load
File : Xr_ini.cpp
Line : 789
Description : fatal error
Arguments : Attemped to override section 'wpn_ak105_shakal', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first.

I do have BaS installed as well as blindsides reanim pack. Am I missing other mods?

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
TheMrDemonized Author
TheMrDemonized - - 1,053 comments

'wpn_ak105_shakal' is in latest BaS version. If you have that error, it means that you dont have latest BaS installed or something overwrites BaS. Make sure that BaS goes after other weapon mods like Blindsides pack

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Kruziikrel14 - - 19 comments

Yep, that fixed it. Thank you very much.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
SniperHellscream - - 985 comments

Greetings, I am using Fixed Vanilla Models Textures, should I load it before or after LTTZ DC?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
TheMrDemonized Author
TheMrDemonized - - 1,053 comments

Put it after LTTZ DC

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Wędrowiec - - 340 comments

To the repo author, can you DLTX'ify this mod? I've been struggling to get it to work with the TO, so if possible, DLTX version with trader assort integration would be amazing

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Silberfuchs86 - - 75 comments

Well, the Storylines seems super buggy to me.

First of all I can't seem to find any Artifact hunter, neither is there a guys at the church in the swamps, nor is there a new dude in the Rookie Village (as the mod description promised).

And since I have that mod installed, my Svarog often doesn't display artifacts any more. I can clearly see the effects of the artifact jumping through anomalies, and when I approach it becomes visible, but it's not shown on the display. And if I deactivate the mod again my game of course crashes because I have quests running.

Annoying, to say the least...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
TheMrDemonized Author
TheMrDemonized - - 1,053 comments

You have to start new game for quest givers to appear, and i dont recall detector problem, check what mod is conflicting with storylines

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Silberfuchs86 - - 75 comments

Oh I see, that explains the missing NPCs.
Currently the conflicts look like this:
- Dux's innumerable character Kit
- Artifact Variationizer
- Fixed Vanilla Models
- LTTZ Storylines Patch

I am also using your DAO, but that one doesn't seem to be conflicting at all.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
TheMrDemonized Author
TheMrDemonized - - 1,053 comments

Artifact Variationizer should come with patch for storylines. Put both mod and patches for it below storylines and enable them

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Silberfuchs86 - - 75 comments

So far it seems every artifact is displayed now, and testing with a new Ecologist game and a Svarog so far all artifacts and now also the samples are being displayed. It seems to be fixed.

Once again great support, thank you very much! 10/10.

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aaaayyyyyylmao - - 103 comments

I keep having this CTD ah_sarik_squad that it needed to be overridden by a prefix "!"
The mod that caused that was storylines. So after adding prefixes to squads next to that is the misc/task the ltx. that needed prefixes again. Other than that, others works well.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Rocky.SRogers - - 159 comments

hey i keep getting this crash some pals of mine say its related to the hk417

! Missing ogg-comment, file: c:/users/hpah6/documents/savedgames/anomaly\gamedata\sounds\weapons\hk417\hk417_reload_short.ogg
! Fallback to default bump map: act\3vtiger\krovosos\blood_demon\blood_demon_bump#
stack trace:

at address 0x00000001401611FC

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
Synxtax - - 4 comments

Expression : no_assert
Function : CXML_IdToIndex<class CPhraseDialog>::GetById
File : G:\Projects\STALKER\Anomaly2-Engine\src\xrServerEntities\xml_str_id_loader.h
Line : 114
Description : item not found, id
Arguments : sl_hidden_threat_dialog_kuznetsov_d1

stack trace:

This happens whenever I try to talk to one of the millitary guys to check for the new storyline, its 100% from the storyline addon as I looked into it and it has hidden threat files (The leader,engineer and the trader all make you crash) This was also checked in vanilla game and the same stuff happens, main reasson why I downloaded this is because it had a translated storyline for millitary so please if a fix could be found and also to be functional with efp 3.0

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Synxtax - - 4 comments

[error]Expression : no_assert
[error]Function : CXML_IdToIndex<class CPhraseDialog>::GetById
[error]File : G:\Projects\STALKER\Anomaly2-Engine\src\xrServerEntities\xml_str_id_loader.h
[error]Line : 114
[error]Description : item not found, id
[error]Arguments : cs_task0_ambush_renegade

stack trace:

Same thing also with clear sky

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
SirSmite - - 26 comments

Was also having crashes trying to talk with them. I was able to somewhat fix it by copying the contents of both AH_dialogs.xml and dialogs_hidden_threat.xml (everything inside <game_dialogs></game_dialogs>) and pasted them into dialogs.xml.

However, I noticed that going through the dialogue lines to start the questline with Colonel Kuznetsov doesn't really lead into anything. Not sure if it means that the quest didn't start or if I just have to do the task myself and hopefully have it update later. Will test it more.

EDIT: Ok, the questline still continues. It just doesn't appear as a task in your PDA.

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Synxtax - - 4 comments

I think it said in this description or the originall mod description that it needs 1k goowdwill, maybe then it shows

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Synxtax - - 4 comments

Could you explain the steps in more detail please? I go to the storylines_dltxx files then gamedata-configs-gameplay and there is AH_dialogs.xml and dialogs_hidden_threat.xml like you said but I dont understand the second part where you paste them into the dialogs.xml. Do you paste it to the same file (AH_dialogs.xml) or some other in another folder because I cant find any other.

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
SirSmite - - 26 comments

You copy the contents from AH_dialogs.xml and dialogs_hidden_threat.xml into dialogs.xml. If you don't already have dialogs.xml inside the gamedata\configs\gameplay folder, you'll have to extract it from Anomaly's configs.db0 file. You can do that by going inside the Tools folder and use db_unpacker.bat

Back to pasting stuff, let's take a look at AH_dialogs.xml. You'll find the line that says <game_dialogs> near the top and </game_dialogs> at the very bottom of the page. Copy everything in-between those and paste them inside dialogs.xml, just below the <game_dialogs> line in that file. Do the same exact process with dialogs_hidden_threat.xml.

EDIT: Just an update on the military storyline for this mod, none of the tasks pop up in my PDA and now I'm stuck due to relevant dialogue not popping up. Not sure if it's with the mod itself or as the result of my temporary fix. I was told to go to the Cordon checkpoint to give documents to Major Zhurov, but when arriving and talking with the Major, I don't see any options to continue the task. The Colonel also mentioned finding a survivor in the loner farm, who isn't there.

EDIT 2: Yeah, I think the questline is broken. It won't update past that point so there's no way of completing it. Might have something to do with my "fix", but I'm not sure. Since the game doesn't seem to want to recognize the existence of AH_dialogs.xml and dialogs_hidden_threat.xml, I figured moving their contents into a file the game does read would fix it, which it does.

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TheMrDemonized Author
TheMrDemonized - - 1,053 comments


Reply Good karma+2 votes
patrickarent - - 63 comments

Getting this error after installing fillable canteens:


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CInifile::Load::<lambda_ec64b35e8aa0aeb0970bc80bf034f482>::()::<lambda_84ef1a8812c179d2b2d7097563ce696c>::operator ()
[error]File : Xr_ini.cpp
[error]Line : 330
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : Duplicate section 'fillable' wasn't marked as an override. Override section by prefixing it with '!' (![fillable]) or give it a unique name.

EDIT: fixed it.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
SirSmite - - 26 comments

I could have sworn that I already had DLTX with the combined patch exe files you get from that one github page. I guess another mod that I installed in the weeks afterwards overwrote them. I redownloaded the combined exe files again and the mod works now. Apologies for the confusion.

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SirSmite - - 26 comments

I'm stuck on a task for Hidden Threat.

I've talked with the surviving stalker for information and the task updated telling me that I should check the sawmill for clues. I spent an hour circling around the exterior and interior of the building, but I have no idea what I'm supposed to be looking for. I was holding F the entire time to make the names of objects pop up, but the place has been empty.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
TheMrDemonized Author
TheMrDemonized - - 1,053 comments

You should step on marker to trigger a cutscene. Unfortunately it sometimes don't want to trigger, especially if you have mods changing alife radius
Also the mod has its own all.spawn file, if you launched new game with it overwritten by another mod or without it, or launched old save before mod install, you won't get the progress

Reply Good karma+1 vote
kukrisama - - 2 comments

Looks like there is a typo in the fillable canteens mod causing it to crash on load. Here's the error for you:

[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CInifile::Load::<lambda_ec64b35e8aa0aeb0970bc80bf034f482>::()::<lambda_84ef1a8812c179d2b2d7097563ce696c>::operator ()
[error]File : Xr_ini.cpp
[error]Line : 330
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : Duplicate section 'fillable' wasn't marked as an override. Override section by prefixing it with '!' (![fillable]) or give it a unique name.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
TheMrDemonized Author
TheMrDemonized - - 1,053 comments

Read the description, IMPORTANT INFO part

Reply Good karma+1 vote
kukrisama - - 2 comments

I was not using a similar mod to my knowledge but I will check again to see if something else I was using touches that line.

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Senaattori89 - - 207 comments

- Disabling the Miracle Machine now opens the route from Yantar to the Dead City.

This does not happen. Only conflicting file I have is surge_manager script (with pre-blowout murder) and Ive forwarded neccessary changes to that file from LTTZ, and I doubt it got anything to do with that file anyway

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
foreverduke123 - - 1 comments


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CInifile::r_section
[error]File : Xr_ini.cpp
[error]Line : 918
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : Can't open section 'up_firsta_uspnew'. Please attach [*.ini_log] file to your bug report

Helloo, it keeps crashing as I start my game. Any idea how to fix this? Thanks!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Silberfuchs86 - - 75 comments

I hope I am right here with this issue:

I have both LTTZ and Storylines, and added them in the order you described in your changelog, plus all patches (inlcuding ****, which I also use).

Now I encountered problems with the quest line "A Concrete Tomb", which triggers after "Northern Passage". I am stuck on the objective "Defeat 10 waves of holograms".

This quest seems to come from CoC, and in that mod you used to encounter the scientist in the C-Consciousness room in Warlab (the same dude from SoC, I believe), and if you refused to join the consciousness you got ported to the Sarcophagus and had to fight those waves which spawned between the Wish Granter and the "THIS IS SPARTA!!!"-hole. Once you killed the 10th wave, the monolith disappeared. *Click* Noice!

Now this version of the quest seems to combine Mortal Sin with it, since it's not a scientist you talk to but Chernobog, and he is it who ports you to the Sarcophagus, but once you are there just the regular Mortal Sin stuff happens, which means you have to fight Chernobog and his two lovers, and that's it. I get the A Concrete Tomb task to kill the 10 waves, but they don't spawn. And this is where I get stuck with it.

What can I do?

(I tried to do Northern Passage without Mortal Sin, I used noclip to get past Chernobog and enter the Warlab prematurely, but the 26041986 code doesn't work if you don't have the quest objective, so I noclipped through the doors, decoded the door to the C-consciousness room and entered it - there I got greeted by a hologram, which again wasn't the scientist but Chernobog, who asked me "What do you want?" and I had no option to answer and was stuck in the dialogue and had to alt+F4)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
TheMrDemonized Author
TheMrDemonized - - 1,053 comments

This pack doesn't have anything related to that quest line, I have no idea

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Silberfuchs86 - - 75 comments

This is weird, as LTTZ and Storylines from your modpack are the only quest addons I have installed...

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Harald_ino - - 247 comments

Would it be hard to streamline the update and mod number? I mean the change log has the update 45 and the downloaded file has the number 49. When I want to check if I for example have the current Storylines addon from you and which got updated at update 43 and I have the "MiniMod_Pack.46" installed I am clueless if I have the newest one or not.

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
TheMrDemonized Author
TheMrDemonized - - 1,053 comments

Moddb renames the file by itself, i don't have numeric version control, only my local git repository. Just update to the latest one if that's too bothering

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Harald_ino - - 247 comments

Okay I understand, it was just weird to me. The problem is that I have to edit the files if I update because of other mods I have installed so updating everytime is to time consuming.

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SniperHellscream - - 985 comments

Hello friend, sorry for the inconvenience again, but I keep getting this error, this time it happens when using the Fillable Canteens DLTX complement, when opening the Debugging Mode and clicking on the Parts Section I get this error

! [LUA] ...aly files/anomaly-1.5.1\gamedata\scripts\utils_ui.script:1205: attempt to index local 'a' (a nil value)
! [SCRIPT ERROR]: ...aly files/anomaly-1.5.1\gamedata\scripts\utils_ui.script:1205: attempt to index local 'a' (a nil value)


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
[error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 191
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: ...aly files/anomaly-1.5.1\gamedata\scripts\utils_ui.script:1205: attempt to index local 'a' (a nil value)

stack trace:

Actually the complement works very well and I prefer it even more than the original, but I have no idea why this happens since in my list of mods in MO2 the Fillable Canteens DLTX complement has no conflicts with absolutely anything, it took me time to detect that The problem is proving from this complement,, however it may be conflicting with something else that I am not seeing in my MO2 list or log, do you have any idea what could be causing this issue that is related to the complement?

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SniperHellscream - - 985 comments

Greetings again, I have discovered that this error is occurring when using STORYLINES DLTX and Fillable Canteens DLTX together, I really have no idea why it happens, but if I deactivate one of the two in my list no errors occur in the debug menu, however having both plugins active simultaneously, and if you navigate in the debug menu you get this error again.

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SniperHellscream - - 985 comments

Alright, I continued to trace the source of this problem and found that if you use this addon (PP-19 Vityaz Virilized) , together with STORYLINES DLTX and Fillable Canteens DLTX you get this error, I tried it on a clean install using only these 3 mods and it always gives me this error, but when using the plugins separately, or only 2 of them active, without import the order, everything works fine, since there are no conflicts between these plugins, but still, when used together, this error always occurs, when navigating the debug menu and clicking on the Parts section.

! [LUA] ...aly files/anomaly-1.5.1\gamedata\scripts\utils_ui.script:1205: attempt to index local 'a' (a nil value)
! [SCRIPT ERROR]: ...aly files/anomaly-1.5.1\gamedata\scripts\utils_ui.script:1205: attempt to index local 'a' (a nil value)


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
[error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 191
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: ...aly files/anomaly-1.5.1\gamedata\scripts\utils_ui.script:1205: attempt to index local 'a' (a nil value)

stack trace:

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SniperHellscream - - 985 comments

sometimes I feel like I'm cursed because I always come across these errors that no one knows how to fix

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TheMrDemonized Author
TheMrDemonized - - 1,053 comments

This error is random and not related to any mods. I saw it multiple times on different occasions. I cant reproduce it with your combination. Vanilla game issue

Reply Good karma+2 votes
SniperHellscream - - 985 comments

Hello, thanks for answering, and sorry for the inconvenience, if it seems you are right, it is a Vanilla problem.
What you told me prompted me to do a new clean install but this time reinstall the base game completely but without the modified DLTX Executables
When trying these 3 plugins without any Modified Executable, there will be no errors, but when installing the Executables of this plugin or any other combined EXE the error reappears, it is a pity since almost all plugins need the Modified EXE lately

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