The stand-alone mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly aims to be the most stable and customizable experience for fans of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. It's powered by the Monolith 64-bit engine, a custom fork of the X-Ray engine.


Modding STALKER has this annoying tendency to result in conflicts when two different mods overwrite the same file, but not the same variables and sections within that file. DLTX aims to mitigate this by allowing a mod author to only override the values that they actually wish to change in a separate file, which should greatly reduce the amount of needless mod conflicts and the need to manually merge mods.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 109)
TheAwesomeGem - - 62 comments

I have no idea why it took so long for a mod like this to appear. This will save countless of headache when trying to create a modpack in Mod Organizer. Speaking of Mod Organizer, does it detect the conflicts properly if a section/setting is being overridden by different files?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
MerelyMezz Author
MerelyMezz - - 46 comments

Mod organizer can only detect if the same file is overwritten, but it can't tell if the same section or variables are overwritten, that's something you'd either have to pay attention to yourself or create a specialized tool for.

This isn't going to completely get rid of mod conflicts, but it should cover a large chunk.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
kittyfart101 - - 22 comments

Mod Organizer is giving the mod a flag saying it doesn't contain "valid game data". Is this just because it doesn't modify anything in gamedata, where MO would expect mods to edit files?

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MerelyMezz Author
MerelyMezz - - 46 comments

I would recommend directly replacing the binary files (after backing them up of course), rather than installing them via MO2. I don't think adding it as a MO2 mod is gonna work properly, because the virtual file system won't be loaded when you initially launch the game.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Igigog - - 107 comments

Wow, that's poggers. Have you tried to do merge request? That's a thing we needed for so long... It will also encourage modders to do everything in their own files. Perfect. Cool
You're the best.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Daisuke14 - - 7 comments

so, does this mean that i can finally use this mods without complications?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
MerelyMezz Author
MerelyMezz - - 46 comments

The mod authors would need to put their mods into DLTX format first. I've had a brief look at both mods, if they both were converted, they probably would be completely compatible with one another.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
MerelyMezz Author
MerelyMezz - - 46 comments

Hey could you do me a favor and try and see if this works really quick?

You should be able to remove the previous LTX files of the mods, this should replace those fully. Please do let me know if it does indeed actually work properly.

I have at least verified the SMG pistol slot mod to work, I'm not sure about the FullUpgrade one, I struggle to understand what it even is supposed to do.

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Guest - - 699,972 comments

fullupgrade works well, but smg pistol slot weapons are cause CTD when upgrade in equip slots, but in inventory no problemo, thx for your work

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MerelyMezz Author
MerelyMezz - - 46 comments

That particular merge was made with a now outdated version of my merging tool, it has gone through a couple of improvements since. You could try using LTXDiff yourself to make a new version of this merge, that hopefully is more accurate and doesn't cause crashes.

Just to make sure I've run the merge myself and haven't actually been able to reproduce the crash. It could possibly be some other installed mod at fault here.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
GabeCPB0 - - 354 comments

Sweet Jesus Christ, dude. Where have you been all this time? You're most welcome!

I believe I already saw similar addons concepts in other modding communities where people also built completely new games based on other games of great prestige with large followings. I think Fallout New Vegas and that California standalone, something like that. Or maybe Skyrim, I really don't recall.
But I always thought that Stalker was the largest coherent modding community, at least that I know of. Mods like CoC, AREA, Misery, Dead Air, Anomaly itself, and so on, and I don't recall seeing something like this before.

This is exceptionally welcome, since most addons are simple .ltx pages, and not scripts of code built from scratch. Most modders that I know of aren't programmers that know how to code nicely, they are just regular dudes with some TI knowledge, and use the easy .ltx pages to do the modifications they want, and share with the community.

Again, you're most welcome.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
cringeybabey - - 40 comments

I'm a little confused by the naming conventions. Does it not matter what you name the file as long as it starts with "mod_" and is in the same directory as what you want to change?

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MerelyMezz Author
MerelyMezz - - 46 comments

Every ltx file is part of a tree that gets loaded, the root file is at the top of that tree. The filename needs to start with "mod_[name of the rootfile]_", after which you can add your own suffix.

E.g. if you were to modify something that gets included by "system.ltx", you could call your mod "mod_system_mymod.ltx"

Finding out which file you need to attach your modifications to is mostly accomplished by reverse searching for includes in the file that you are trying to edit.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Oxayne - - 1 comments

I do love that thumbnail

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ImSimClown - - 68 comments

Really hope this becomes standard.

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MerelyMezz Author
MerelyMezz - - 46 comments

Good news, you don't have to wait for modders to adopt it anymore, if you want you can convert already existing mods to DLTX on your own. Instructions are in the description.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
ImSimClown - - 68 comments

instructions are unclear to me, can i get a dumbed down version? when i open up the thing in the tools folder it just closes itself.

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MerelyMezz Author
MerelyMezz - - 46 comments

The download comes with a tool called "LTXDiff". You have to use it in the commandline (cmd.exe), and call the specified command and fill in the appropriate paths.

The Base folder is a folder containing the gamedata of the vanilla game. You can aquire it by running "db_unpacker", it will generate a folder "_unpacked". Inside that folder, you have to create a gamedata folder, and put the other stuff inside it (i.e. it should go like this: _unpacked -> gamedata -> configs and all the other stuff).

After you set that up you could call LTXDiff in the commandline like this:

"LTXDiff dltxify 'C:\videogames\Anomaly\tools\_unpacked' 'C:\Downloads\SomeMod' 'SomeMod'"

It will create a folder "SomeMod_DLTX" in 'C:\Downloads'

Reply Good karma+6 votes
WeebSlav - - 122 comments

Hi there, i'm getting this crash after running this, with and without addons..

did i ****** up something while installing?


[error]Expression :
[error]Function : invalid_parameter_handler
[error]File : xrDebugNew.cpp
[error]Line : 1040
[error]Description : invalid parameter

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
MerelyMezz Author
MerelyMezz - - 46 comments

Try disabling debug mode. If that doesn't fix it, I would have to see the rest of the log to really figure out what's going on.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
WeebSlav - - 122 comments

ok, i'm back

The game is still not running.. i tried disabling the debug mode, also removed all the addons that touches the debug settings, and tried again with no addons nor debug mode.. but nothing new, the same crash again.

i'm really starting to think i ****** something up.. however the game runs without problems with the vanilla bin...

this is the full log i deleted some text for privacy reasons but you can get a general idea


* Detected CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N2805 @ 1.46GHz [GenuineIntel], F6/M7/S3, 1467.00 mhz, 35-clk 'rdtsc'
* CPU features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2
* CPU cores/threads: 2/2

Found commandline file!
Initializing File System...
using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx
File System Ready...
FS: 54471 files cached 66 archives, 13676Kb memory used.
Init FileSystem 10.539616 sec
'xrCore' build 8179, Jun 29 2021

-----loading c:/users/[REDACTED]/onedrive/desktop/[REDACTED]/stalker anomaly/anomaly-1.5.1\gamedata\configs\system.ltx [2]
Initializing Engine...
Starting INPUT device...
Available render modes[1]:
command line "c:\users\[REDACTED]\onedrive\escritorio\[REDACTED]\stalker anomaly\anomaly-1.5.1\bin\anomalydx8.exe" -smap1536
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
[c:/users/[REDACTED]/onedrive/escritorio/[REDACTED]/stalker anomaly/anomaly-1.5.1\appdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
Loading DLL: xrRender_R1.dll
Loading DLL: xrGame.dll
* [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats
* [win32]: free[137434507232 K], reserved[4281640 K], committed[164536 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[0 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[49293 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[38539 K], smem[0 K]
SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices...
SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present


[error]Expression :
[error]Function : invalid_parameter_handler
[error]File : xrDebugNew.cpp
[error]Line : 1040
[error]Description : invalid parameter

stack trace:

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
MerelyMezz Author
MerelyMezz - - 46 comments

It seems like it's an issue with the DX8 and DX10 versions of the executables. I'll try to figure out what's wrong with them and upload a fix, in the meantime all you can do is try to use either DX9 or DX11. I'll let ya know when I sorted it out.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
WeebSlav - - 122 comments

Thanks it works on DX9, i'll be waiting for the next patch... again thank you for the trouble

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
MerelyMezz Author
MerelyMezz - - 46 comments

I released an update that should fix your problem.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
WeebSlav - - 122 comments

Thanks dude it is running good, i'll rework my gamedata based on this, thanks for making everyone's life easier.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
morgannoor1991 - - 495 comments

wow just in right time 1000000000000/10

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Mobsi - - 54 comments

its seems to be the holy grail xD noice work

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Feel_Fried - - 497 comments

mezz_stringbuffer.cpp is contained in diff but isn't declared into solution =(

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
MerelyMezz Author
MerelyMezz - - 46 comments

Does that actually cause issues? You should be able to just add it manually to the XrCore project.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Feel_Fried - - 497 comments

yes, but it's better to mention it in desc =) some tupid ppls like me will run all engine versions compile and only after 3h will see the error xD

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
MerelyMezz Author
MerelyMezz - - 46 comments

That's a good point, I'll amend it.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
toto1991 - - 22 comments

i dont understand how to use this with my addons can anyone please explain how

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
MerelyMezz Author
MerelyMezz - - 46 comments

Which specific part of the instructions in the descriptions are you struggling to follow? I may be able to help if you tell me.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Noxilian - - 65 comments

Would it be possible to merge in the engine fix from Food, Drug, and Drink Animations with this mod?

They have a change that:
"patch that fix "[error]Arguments : Can't find variable item_visual in" CTD and wrong items animations ( when instead of beer for example actor tries to drink syringe xD)"

According to the author, it's a bug that can affect vanilla Anomaly animations also, so the fix should be included in any custom builds of the engine.

They offered a version that had DLTX included, but it's based on v4, and who knows when that will be updated for any new versions here.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
MerelyMezz Author
MerelyMezz - - 46 comments

Fried just added an uptodate merged version on his modpage. In future releases I will probably incorporate the fix directly aswell, so that installing a separate merge won't be necessary.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Great_Day - - 133 comments

I, I have been trying to create a DLTX mod from this , but I get the errors:

Unhandled exception. System.Exception: Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown.
at LTXDiff.LTXDB.LTXDataFromFile(String Filename, Boolean bIgnoreIncludes, String BaseDir, String ModDir)+MoveNext()
at LTXDiff.LTXDB..ctor(String RootFilePath, String BaseDir, String ModDir)
at LTXDiff.Routines.MakeDiffFromMod(String BaseDir, String ModDir, String RootFileName)
at LTXDiff.Routines.DLTXify(String BaseDir, String ModDir, String ModName)
at LTXDiff.Program.Main(String[] args)

Does LTXDiff work with mods that contain scripts?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
MerelyMezz Author
MerelyMezz - - 46 comments


LTXDiff will ignore any files that arent .ltx during processing, so a mod containing scripts poses no issue (you can even make LTXDiff copy them to the new mod unchanged with the -c flag).

The file "/gamedata/configs/items/settings/fetch_list.ltx" contains what looks like a botched comment at line 22. LTXDiff doesn't know how to parse that line and terminates itself. I'll keep this in mind and patch in an exception for this (aswell as a more helpful error message), in the mean time you can just comment that line out yourself, both in the mod and in the _unpacked folder and it should work.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Great_Day - - 133 comments

Thanks a lot! It worked! And thanks for your mod :-)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
MerelyMezz Author
MerelyMezz - - 46 comments

np, you are welcome.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Great_Day - - 133 comments

Hi, I've tried running the LTXDified main mod on a clean install (except the bin files), but I'm getting this:


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
[error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 191
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: ...sktop/anomaly test\gamedata\scripts\death_manager.script:67: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
MerelyMezz Author
MerelyMezz - - 46 comments

This crash is caused by a bug related to a mod deleting variables, that I am already aware of but haven't resolved yet. I don't see an easy work around for this unfortunately, so you will have to wait until I have fixed that bug. I'll let you know when I have.

In the mean time you could probably just run the un-dltx'd version of the mod. If you dltxify everything else in your load order, you should be fine and not run into conflicts.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Great_Day - - 133 comments

OK, thanks a lot. I did not make the first version of Less Items, but I have patched and maintained the mod for a while, and for me the matter is mostly that of making it available in a DLTX version.
The mod is about having fewer kinds of items in the game, and some items were commented out in the spawn lists, while others were deleted outright (in some cases I simply was sloppy, in others I noticed that they wouldn't disappear just by commenting them; now I wonder if I was using the wrong comment format).
Would adding back the deleted items and commenting them instead avoid triggering the bug?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
MerelyMezz Author
MerelyMezz - - 46 comments

I mean in theory it would, and for other mods this is a viable workaround, but I imagine since the point of the mod is to remove items from the game and trader files, you would break its main purpose by reverting these deletions. In my judgement it isn't worth attempting to make it DLTX compatible at the current time, it would be a wasted effort. I'd rather you wait until I properly fixed this bug to avoid a whole lot of headaches.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Great_Day - - 133 comments

OK, got it. I was hoping that commenting out instead of deleting could circumvent the issue, but yea, the best thing is to wait. Thank you for your work!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
MerelyMezz Author
MerelyMezz - - 46 comments

I pushed an update that should fix the bug that prevents your mod from working, do let me know if it resolves your issue.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
jlee35225 - - 25 comments

after install v6, my Nosorog can wear backpack and helmet now, my pda disappear too, so... any fix ( just install bin folder, that's all)

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alfredoh - - 8 comments

You can reinstall v5, after that it works again with the old save files. Saves done with v6 are broken.
btw: For the people which deleted the old version: is it possible to load an older version of a mod?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
MerelyMezz Author
MerelyMezz - - 46 comments

All old versions of DLTX are available in a link in the description, I have already found the bug and am in the process of compiling and releasing a hotfix.

edit: hotfix is out

Reply Good karma+2 votes
darkwarhammerbykhoru - - 18 comments

the pda disappears from the inventory.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
MerelyMezz Author
MerelyMezz - - 46 comments

Are you sure you are on the latest version? I have pushed a quick update today that should fix the broken PDA issue among other things.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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