You take the role of Nick Farrel, a technical engineer in Delta Base - the complex that competes with Black Mesa in various research fields including exploration of the borderworld Xen and weapon development. Due to accidental entanglement of two different experiments conducted at the same time the infamous resonance cascade affects the Delta Base as well, bringing the hostile alien lifeforms which infest the facility very soon.

Report RSS Delta Particles is released!

Hello everyone! Some people were confused by the last article because of a ot of time passed on the development and lost sight of what's going on. I suppose It's the right moment to clear the air.

Posted by on

So, what Delta Particles is it? It's heavily updated version of mod called earlier Half-Life: Delta. And finally, it is released! Download links are here:

Delta Particles [Full Version]

RU Localization

moddb header

So, what's the difference between Delta Particles and old version called Half-Life: Delta?

Main: Updated plot, total map count increased from 31 to 35, subtitles, new main menu.

Graphics: Detail Textures added, HD Sky Boxes, New HUD + HUD Scaling, new improved models for NPC (Diana, Soldiers, Assassin), new improved models and animations for weapons (.357, SMG, shotgun, M4A1, Satchel Charge, Barrett), new lighting, new wall chargers design.

Sound: Tons of new ambient sounds, some new music added, unique footsteps for all enemies, new player footsteps, unique additional gun sounds, ENG + RU localizations.

Levels: common level of detail for all maps was improved, heavily reworked the second chapter, many old maps were extended, better player navigation, better fightings with soldiers, removed many annoying headcrabs.

Gameplay: New enemies (robotic infantry, fast zombie, zombie assassin, zombie technician, hives, stationary alien electric crystals, tank) new enregy weapon, pipewrench returned.


- Updated skill.cfg file. No "bullet sponges" anymore.

- Glock: burst-fire (alternative mode)

- Shotgun: automatic mode (alternative attack)

- .357 Python: zoom (alternative attack)

- .44 DE: fast shooting mode (alternative attack),

- SMG: removable silencer (alternative attack),

- empty/not-empty reloads for: shotgun, m4a1, smg

- draw and holster animations for all weapons were reduced by 30%


...and I can't remember all the changes. Also, I recommend you to check out these arcticles, if you haven't:

Progress #1 - Science

Progress #2 – Updated Maps (and Discord server!)

Progress #3 – Armory Update

Progress #4 – NPC

Unfortunately, still no STEAM page. I'll make it for the next year, be sure! I hope this mod will be a some kind of holiday gift for you.


Special thanks:

- FreeSlave for a lot of code features and fixes.

- Xawari, Ga1axian for very cool beta-test reports!

Post comment Comments
SweetRamona - - 5,147 comments

Congratulations on releaing this! A wonderful moment to kick off this new year! 😸

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
PsyWarVeteran - - 1,963 comments

Well done buddy, your hard work has finally paid off. Also, I wouldn't worry about the Steam version. Even if it never comes it's no big deal, it's just a gimmick anyway, what's important is it's done now :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Shadow_864 - - 398 comments

Ответственный момент настал!!!
Я обязательно в него поиграю когда она вышла

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Shadow_864 - - 398 comments

Кстати, а что с страницей Steam?
Уже будет?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
kimilil - - 49 comments

What a pleasant new year's gift this is.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
orangekid05 - - 39 comments

XF-Alien, I wanna say congrats and thanks super much for releasing Delta Particles! I've been waiting for this for like months, but now it's finally released thanks to you!! You rock so much! ;)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
FlippedOutKyrii - - 3,550 comments

Absolutely stellar to see, can't wait for the steam page too!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Serious_Samsung - - 357 comments

What a great way to end a year with a bang.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
MariusMaximus - - 1,287 comments

Congratulations on this big release! Hard work pays off and this is a prime example of it! I have been waiting for 2 years and 2 months for the full version and what better time to release it and play it than on new years day. Thank you for your hard work and for giving the Half-Life community a massive mod free of charge. I am excited to be playing this masterpiece today. I will definitely be dropping a detailed review on your mod page once I am done. :D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Aynekko - - 680 comments

Congratulations! Really great mod (I played pre-release a couple months ago).

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Super1Hawk - - 216 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Edward_Newgate - - 100 comments

Thank you kindly, the previous version was already great.
I can't wait to play the perfected version. Happy New Year, Folks.\o/

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
poloscmsa - - 39 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
~X~ - - 555 comments

Greeeat! I'm happy for you!!
Thanks for taking my complaints into consideration ) It was a very interesting beta test!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Mr.Maris - - 308 comments

I remember when you published an article that you were going to develop an updated version of the mod, then I was surprised, because the mod was quite good, and many people in your place would have already stopped working on the Go mod, after all, you decided to update the mod (as they say, there is no limit to perfection).

Now I see how much better the mod has become, I would like to say thank you and everyone who helped you in difficult times for releasing a new version of the mod, I wish you all the best and that this modification is released on Steam.

Good luck.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
mansch - - 11 comments

Прекрасный мод - только крашится на

hostname: Half-Life
version : 48/ 9920 insecure (70)
tcp/ip :
map : es2a2 at: 289 x, -3009 y, -279 z
players : 1 active (1 max)

# name userid uniqueid frag time ping loss adr
# 1 "XF-Alien" 1 STEAM_ID_LAN 0 00:08 0 0

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
mansch - - 11 comments

Не грузится
map es2a3

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
XF-Alien Author
XF-Alien - - 274 comments

>>hostname: Half-Life
А почему не имя мода? У тебя ативирус не "съел" игровые библиотеки? Такое иногда бывает с пользовательскими модами.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
mansch - - 11 comments

антивируса нет
я вывел команду status

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
XF-Alien Author
XF-Alien - - 274 comments

Посмотрел только, что - да, там в самом деле "half-lfe", а не имя мода, показалось. А на Legacy версии работает?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
mansch - - 11 comments

не проверял..
у меня стим версия

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mansch - - 11 comments

может этот уровень надо перекомпилить?
Я посомтрел файл es2a3_detail.txt он вроде размера 30088 но по факту пустой - то есть вьювером смотрю - ничего нет

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
mansch - - 11 comments

в оригигальной half-life:delta этот уровень без вопросов грузился

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
mansch - - 11 comments

разобрался -из архива скопировал этот файл - почему то криво разархивировался

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
XF-Alien Author
XF-Alien - - 274 comments

В любом случае, круто, что порешалось)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
~X~ - - 555 comments

И тут я вспомнил, почему использую RAR с recovery record для своих модов.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
XF-Alien Author
XF-Alien - - 274 comments

Мне, несмотря на то, какой мод я сделал по масштабу, есть чему у тебя поучиться..

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Lordrassis - - 12 comments

В переиздание интересней играть. Сюжетная часть хорошо так подтянулось.
Теперь и Динана куда важную роль играет, и дают получше взаимодействовать с персоналом.
В целом хорошо. И концовка явно так оставлять задел на продолжение - да и сам комплекс не полностью так задействован я думаю.
Ну и ситуация с наемниками тоже имеет продолжение - я так понимаю их создатель это тот "верховный кукловод" всей серии Half-life?

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Guest - - 698,132 comments

Не запускает пишет нету файла hl.exe

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XF-Alien Author
XF-Alien - - 274 comments

Hl.exe - часть игры half-life, а не мода. Его в принципе быть не должно в архиве с модом.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 698,132 comments

Very well made mod. Thank you, I had tons of fun. It feels very much like Half Life, but brings enough to the table to be unique and new. Do you consider making a sequel?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
XF-Alien Author
XF-Alien - - 274 comments

I'm NOT doing an annouce now, but have some thoughts about the sequel. I'll let you know, if I decide.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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