You take the role of Nick Farrel, a technical engineer in Delta Base - the complex that competes with Black Mesa in various research fields including exploration of the borderworld Xen and weapon development. Due to accidental entanglement of two different experiments conducted at the same time the infamous resonance cascade affects the Delta Base as well, bringing the hostile alien lifeforms which infest the facility very soon.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 133)

it was an amazing experience which I haven't in a long time. Once I played the demo version the first time, I was really impressed by the art-style of the mod, new models and custom animations, which looks satisfying tho. I'm gonna say that this mod needs to be the mod that everyone should look at, it really gives you an imagination of the incident from another side. These new sky boxes are really ******* awesome. Music totally fits the atmosphere, the level design is also on a high level.
It was really worth the wait.

I have nothing anymore to say about it, this one takes the cake!

This is offically one of the BEST mod for Half-Life. I love it, and i would play it again.

Fantastic mod, alongside Echos. The level design is diverse and intuitive. The length of the mod is just right. The last battle could have been fiercer, somehow it was too easy for me. I played on normal difficulty. And the female AI was bad, she wouldn't always follow, I had to repeat the same scene several times until it worked. But those are minor flaws, everything else is top notch. Thanks for the mod. I enjoyed.
My reshade trailer for the mod:

Very good mod ! Glad to play a HL Mod in 2024 :)

From the earliest days of my childhood, video games captured my imagination in a way that turned from a mere hobby into a blossoming skill. Over the years, my heart yearned for a mod so transformative, it would reinvent the very essence of the base game, elevating it to an extraordinary new realm. This pursuit spanned nearly a decade, a quest filled with anticipation and hope.

Then, in the second decade of the 21st century, on a day marked by destiny—the 2nd of January, 2024, at precisely 1:47 AM—I stumbled upon a mod so magnificent, it felt like discovering a holy relic. The moment my eyes beheld it, I transcended the known limits of excitement, eagerly subscribing to this miraculous Addon. It was an epiphany, a turning point that marked a new era in my gaming journey.

This Addon, worthy of a perfect 10/10 rating, did more than just change my gaming experience; it transformed my life. From that moment on, I was enveloped in an endless wave of happiness, greatness, and deep gratitude. I extend my heartfelt thanks to the author of this mod, a visionary who has significantly advanced the modding community. This creation isn't just an addition to a game; it's a monumental leap forward, bringing with it peace, joy, and an inspiring legacy that will resonate with gamers for years to come.


nonlinear level design, cold artstyle, new gore effects, best gunplay in a goldsrc mod

The best mod that im played,this mod have good level design, nice skyboxes and something like 3d skyboxes in xen.There are no some something special in weapons,but they are look good and nice to shoot from them, same with enemies and npc's except engineer npc that can charge suit if it has less 50% of power.Gameplay is nice.Music are fit to the mod's atmosphere.When im has been playing this mod im have seen only 2 bugs:first one with the flashlight,it don't has been working,and second is visual bug with npc,but it only has been one time, maybe this is because im used Xash3d FWGS engine.

This mod takes place in a different albeit very scientific and advanced facility doing the same sort of portal experiments. This mod works really well to keep the player on their toes, tons of enemies, tough fights with fast zombies, reworked lock helps with a fast secondary burst fire. All the graphics, sound and music and even the sky box has been overhauled. Excellent work on the levels themselves, very realistic and props that fit the setting. The detail is twice as good as OG HL. Everything else seems slightly refined like AI scripted sequences during the game.


From the creator of the Arctic Incident - it says a lot.
Top quality mapping, good storyline, interesting locations. It's a mod that makes a valuable addition to Half-Life series!

I was honored to be asked to personally beta test this mod. I didn't get through it because life and my own mods ate up most of my time, but the level design was great. The mod plays like a game produced by a professional team. I would highly recommend!