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an organism belonging to the same species as another organism

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References in periodicals archive ?
annulatus cross-breeding has revealed that these two species lack conspecificity (GRAHAM et al., 1972; THOMPSON et al., 1981; DAVEY et al., 1983).
comm.), and a molecular study of different populations of the species may be necessary to clarify their conspecificity and biogeographical relationships.
V The conspecificity of the American Precis lavinia (Cramer) with the Oriental Precis orithya (Cramer)," Entomologist, vol.
durangensis at Sierra El Registro and Temoaya and at El Venado and Temoaya were very close to the limits marked between well-defined species and that for rejection of conspecificity. Genetic distance and genetic similarity suggest that the population at Temoaya could be in a present advanced diversification process, a product of the geographical separation of the other two populations, which could be translated in ecological, physiological, and morphological diversification, but, presently, they may still be genetically intermixed via pollen, seeds, or both.
Although assortative mating is an indication of species divergence (Hoffman and others 1978), the absence of assortative mating does not necessarily indicate conspecificity, given that selection could preserve the parental species outside the hypothesized zone of hybrid superiority (Good and others 2000).
The conspecificity of specimens from the Indian Ocean and western Pacific should be tested with DNA sequences.
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