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(Greek mythology) a river in Hades that was said to be a tributary of the Acheron

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[TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] This is the sort of thing I said as I stood over the ditch-- Because I remembered quite well what Circe had advised me to do, That witch who knows every medicament the wide world has to offer-- But then a huge wave swelled up from the lion-taming Acheron, 40 Cocytus and Lethe and the great Polyphlegethon, And a host of dead came round to stand with me over the ditch.
As lower Hell is represented as a lake of fire, or as a deep pit underground, and as Christian Hell inherited the rivers and swamps of classical Hades, Acheron, Styx, Cocytus, etc., a bridge would be a logical artefact (similar to the boat of the dead) to cross this obstacle.
His words recall the spiritual topography of Hades, the region defined by the rivers of dread--Styx, Acheron, Cocytus, and Phlegethon.
In Greek mythology five rivers of the underworld are mentioned: Acheron, Cocytus, Lethe, Phlegethon (or Pyriphlegethon) and which other?
There into Acheron flow Pyriphlegethon And Cocytus, a branch of the water of Styx.
The demonic Orcs, for instance, are summoned out of a region modeled on the Inferno's Ninth Circle, the icebound Cocytus. This bottomland lies below the tower of the diabolic lord Saruman, a potentate at once devastating yet trapped.
Now on the banks of Cocytus and sorrowful Acheron will I soon sing my prophecies.
In Dante's pit of Hell, whose floor is the frozen Lake Cocytus, and where the inhabitants are plunged up to their necks in ice, one hears a similar rage.
Cocytus (one of the rivers that separated Hades flora the world),
Picone suggests a connection between Ovid's frozen sea and Dante's frozen Cocytus in the Inferno (16-19).
They steeped me thrice in Cocytus from Hades's shore,
The shift into the Celtic deposits occurs when the unnamed narrator asks "is the Afon Cych / the Cocytus? / Is Cothi of the quick-set hedge sad / Acheron" (RQ 14; Ms.
The crowd turned on her; she burned as if the fires of Cocytus were inside her.