

Complementing but not part of the regular curriculum: The civics class sponsored a voter registration drive as a cocurricular activity.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


of or relating to a joint curriculum
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
(2006, September), Engaging with difference matters: Longitudinal outcomes of the cocurricular Bonner Scholars Program.
The guide: (1) describes various types of partnerships; (2) outlines the key steps involved in initiating partnerships; (3) identifies common partnership challenges and suggests mitigating strategies; (4) explains how partnership outcomes can link with those of Alberta programs of study; (5) discusses how partnerships can enhance cocurricular and extracurricular activities; (6) explores the role that technology can play in developing and enhancing partnerships; and (7) provides a list of resources that support international school partnership initiatives.
College cocurricular activities: Who participates and what are the benefits?
Counselor educators are aware of the need for designing curricular and cocurricular experiences that promote cognitive development.
According to Campus Compact's Presidents" Declaration on the Civic Responsibility of Higher Education, it means encouraging students to participate in public and community service through both curricular and cocurricular activity, as well as teaching the skills and values of democracy.
Evidence from multiple studies support the long-term value of these programs, both as cocurricular and curricular experiences, in such diverse areas as stress management, interpersonal relationship skills, nutrition (Koehler & Burke, 1996), and career development (Vecchione, 2000), all of which can affect academic success (Brazier, 1998).
Hoffman found that involvement in cocurricular activities contributed to students' success in college.
Some schools incorporate the program into the social studies curriculum (Johnson 1988), but in most schools it is a cocurricular or extracurricular club.
All those students who have represented and won laurels for the varsity in different cocurricular competitions nationally and internationally will be awarded with medals/awards.
This is a school-based, voluntary, cocurricular organization that would serve as the setting for learners' actions toward the protection and conservation of the environment for future generations.
Cocurricular opportunities or social events around majors can be rational and non-threatening venues to begin to build student-faculty relationships.
In addition to social activities, the new center would support "learning by doing," the cocurricular work that complements classroom-based learning, such as student-led initiatives, practices, and performances.